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~ Your pain is my pain ~

"You know, sometimes... sometimes I don't even feel like Uncle Adam is dead," I confessed to my best friend. "It just feels like he's... on a long sea voyage and he's not coming home for a long time because the weather's not good for sea voyages."

I looked up at the sky dreamily for a moment before looking back at Lando, who gave me a small smile.
"Well, if that idea helps you work through the pain, believe it. But don't believe in it too much, because then you'll be waiting every day for him to come back from this sea voyage," he said.
I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at the sky again, while I let out a small laugh. "It's hard to believe you can say such things."
"Well, what else am I going to say? Soy lago?" he asked and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Ah God, your Spanish is worse than mine and I thought I was bad," I laughed and buried my face in his shoulder.
"My Spanish isn't that bad," he pouted, sounding playfully sad. I raised my head again and pulled my eyes up as I looked at him.
"Ah really? Shall we ask Carlos?"
"Ok, ok, my Spanish sucks," he admitted defeatedly and laughed, to which I agreed.
Lando and I had gone to a park a bit outside Woking today after qualifying where it was quieter and sat down together. As Lando and I were very close as friends, I told him the whole truth about my uncle and my feelings about how it was that an Interpol agent was now babysitting me, so to speak. Telling Lando this relieved me a little, even though it might not have been so smart. After all, they were not harmless men, at least that's what my gut feeling said.
Lando listened to me attentively and that's when I realised again that Lando was not only the funny Lando, as in the McLaren Unboxed videos, but also the serious Lando, who took the problems and feelings of his friends very seriously. And I was overjoyed to have him as a friend because he was also funny in real life. I've probably never laughed as much with a person as I did with Lando.
"I hope later we can forget about this thing here and not have to think about it," I said after a while.
"That will come," Lando assured me. I just nodded and closed my eyes briefly as I laid my head on his shoulder again. "Are you looking forward to the race tomorrow?", I asked him.
"Yeah totally!", he replied. "Silverstone is always good"
"True, I love Silverstone, even if my favourite track is the Nürburgring," I admitted. "But... well, what I love about Silverstone is that I can be at home."
At home
It only occurred to me now that I had never called the place where I lived with George home. Home... I didn't even know what to call my real home. It was never Germany, I never felt comfortable there, let alone at home, and yet I was glad to have gone to school there.
Hungary was my home country and Uncle Adam lived there...
But if I had to define my home, it wouldn't be a place, it would be a person and that person would be George.
"I'm glad you're happy with him," Lando brought me out of my thoughts.
"Hmm?" I asked, confused.
Could he read my mind?
"You're smiling," he said as I lifted my head from his shoulder. "I thought you were thinking about him, that's why."
"Ah," I said, only now realising that I was actually smiling. "I was just thinking about what my home is, or rather who it is."
I nudged him playfully on the shoulder and grinned this time. "And who is your home?" I asked curiously.
"Pff, if you want to know if there's something going on with someone: no," he said with a laugh.
"Are you sure?" I asked, still grinning.
Although, when I thought about it, I already felt sorry for this person, because it would certainly not be an easy thing to be with Lando Norris.
"Carlos is my home, but please don't misunderstand," he said and we both couldn't help laughing.
"Aww, that's really cute, Carlos probably adopted you," I laughed. "Poor guy.", I added and Lando raised his eyebrows.
"What?", I asked in response. "I couldn't feel less sorry for your parents, the way you can be."
"Maybe I was a good boy when I was little Lando," he said and I laughed again.
"Yeah sure, I believe you," I said wryly, burying my face from laughing.
"And how do you know what I was like? You're not my mother after all," he interjected seriously.
"True, but I know you," I replied. "But I could also call her and ask her what you were like as a child."
"Sure, and how? You don't have her number," he laughed.
Grinning, I took out my phone and went to my contacts, where I looked up Lando's mom's number and showed him that I had it.
Lando's jaw dropped when I showed him. "How the fuck did you get my mum's number?"
I laughed again as he tried to grab my phone but I held it away from him.
"That's a secret," I teased him with a grin.
"Ok, there are two possibilities, either you stole my phone or Flo gave it to you."
He finally gave up grabbing my phone and answered the question himself. "Flo did it 100%, that little witch."

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