One: Morning coffee

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It was a Sunday morning, you and Helena had been sleeping in and it was almost 11am.
"Good morning love" she turned over and whispered in your ear
"Good morning Hellie darling" you smiled back
"Gosh I'm starving but I can't be bothered to make anything! shall we go find a place to get breakfast?" She said sitting up, all excited now.
"If that's what you want, of course love." You got changed into a small summer dress and Helena got changed into her signature floral outfit (if you know, you know)
"God you look gorgeous hellie" simply admiring her beautiful dress and perfectly done makeup even though it was only 11 in the morning.
"Oh shush you, gorgeous girl!" You blushed slightly, you may have been with this woman for almost 3 years but she still had some power over you. You stepped outside and started to walk along the pavement, arm-in-arm chatting away lightly. These are the moments that you absolutely lived for with Helena, she was so busy all the time but lockdown it meant that the both of you have got some time just to appreciate each other. Most mornings have been spent like this, cuddling in bed, getting up to go for morning walks finding good coffee shops, then coming home and lazing about the house again. Your routine wasn't very productive but that didn't matter, there wasn't anything that needed to be done.
"Oh look!" Helena clapped her hands in excitement, pointing at your favourite coffee shop along the road, you have been so deeply engrossed in listening to what she had to say you didn't even notice where you'd ended up! She hopped over the road and ran inside excitedly. You giggled at her childlike manner, shook your head and followed her across the road. You both ordered strong coffees and walked back to the park which was opposite your house. She sat on the swing and you got on the one next to her, you both swung yourself gently giggling like little children, and just gazing in each other's eyes savouring the moment forever....

✨ Hey so sorry this one is kind of short this is my first chapter of my new book, u hope you enjoyed it! sorry I haven't really been very active I've had a lot going on in my life at the minute and I'm just trying to juggle everything, anyway I'll try to update this book with short stories more often! ✨ -author xx

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