Two: Dancing in the rain 🌧️

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"come onnnnn, let's go home! We've been walking for ages!" You exclaimed dramatically.
"Stop being so silly darling, it's only been half an hour!"
Helena had insisted that that morning you were to go on a walk with her, you haven't left the house for a while because you haven't been feeling very well but she said the fresh air will do you good. You were walking around the park, sometimes on the pavement and sometimes through the woods, Helena loved this park. She always said it was the only place she felt like she could get any peace.
"Oh come on hellie! it's starting to rain now" you said groaning.
"Well you'll just have to get a bit wet because were no where near the house now." You could tell she was getting a bit annoyed at all you're groaning, I mean fair enough, it had been over half an hour of you constantly moaning to go home. Right there and then heavens opened, it began to pour with rain, but the air was still warm and you didn't mind getting wet. You pulled Helena onto the open grass bit in the middle of the park and began to spin her round.
"Y/n!" She giggled "what are you doing?!" You began to hum you own little tune, quiet enough so no one could hear it, but loud enough so that you could both dance together. You danced for ages in the rain , the rest of the world had disappeared to the both of you, it was just you and her, no one else, the rain washing away with all your fears and worries. You pulled her in for a tight hug, and swayed to the rhythm of your own heartbeats.
"Come on" she whispered "let's go home" so you did, you walked home arm in arm, making the light conversation but just enjoying each other's presence. When you got back Helena run you a hot bath, you were both tired and soaking.
"You can go on the bath first love, I'll go in after you" Helena said smiling at you.
"Oh lord you silly woman I'm not going in by myself, you're coming with me!" You could tell that she had desperately wanted you to say this, she smiled so widely and quickly took her clothes off, jumped in next to you, well, more on top of you, and leaned back on to your stomach. You played with her hair gently as she drew circles on you thigh slowly, not sexually, just you give you a feeling of comfort.
"You know," she said quietly "I think I'm beginning to realise that I need you more than anyone else." You quickly turned to wrap your arms around the beautiful woman Infront of you,
"Well that's a wonderful thing, what makes you say that?" You said, a hint of worry in your voice.
"Well, I don't want you to ever leave me, I know there are so many more beautiful girls, who are so much younger than me, who would definitely be interested in you." She whispered.
"Helena! Don't you dare make it sound like there is any one more wonderful or special than you! I'm not going anywhere my darling, I love you more than words can say. What's suddenly made you think this?"
"That girl, on the walk.." you thought she was going to say this. There had been a woman of your age, walking past you and Helena in the park, she was very obviously I eyeing you up and flirting with you. You could sense just how much Helena hated it you turned around and kiss her, just to show the woman that you were in a relationship. Unfortunately this girl didn't get the hint and continue to flirt. You finally managed to get away from her but you know Helena was still a bit sensitive afterwards.
"Helena I promise I will never ever leave you. There's nobody I would rather be with, no one your eternal or beautiful than you."
"I know darling, just a thought."
"Well make the silly thought go away then" you said giggling. What you had said wasn't even that funny but of course Helena had to let out one of her dirty tackles at it,
man, you weren't sure anybody could ever understand just how much, you loved this woman.

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