The New Friend

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Chapter 2: The Lunch

You strolled through the halls of your school glancing at different things to possibly...steal. You never had a real interest in going to the lunch room with other people. People always come up to you and ask you questions like, "Do you know where my earrings went?" and "Did you steal my necklace?". You would shake your head, but you knew that you had taken it. Teachers didn't enjoy you either. They would always accuse you of stealing which you did but not specifically what they would say.

Once you reached the blue staircase, you trudged up them to get to the roof as a way to feel solitude. You heaved your bag higher onto your shoulders. Some laughs and voices echoed through the halls as some girls passed by. "Hey look," said a girl and she pointed at you. You turned your head to look back at a group of girls. You immediately felt put on the spot by her finger pointing directly at you which turned their gazes to you. "It's the loser who steals all the time!" she chuckled and her friends laughed along with her.

They strolled off to the lunch room. You felt embarrassed and humiliated after the incident. You continued to go up the stairs to the roof. You watched the sun and the rooftops of different buildings. You put your bag down by the edge and you rested your elbows on the short wall. A small sigh was passed through your lips. You wished you never stole before, you wished that you were popular and had lots of friends.

You heard the sounds of someone coming up the stairs. You turned your head to see the brunette, Nanno. Her hair immediately swayed to the side from the wind. She approached you with what seemed to be a sandwich in hand. Once she got close to you she told you, "Take it." She handed you the sandwich which you took then looked into her eyes. "Y/N, you're a very interesting person," she said and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. You looked down at the sandwich while blushing slightly. "H-how come?" you asked the girl which caused her to lean her back against the ledge. "You're a thief just like me, I saw you eyeing some jewelry earlier," she replied and smirked slightly. You placed the sandwich on the ledge and let a sigh. 

"Hey, do you want to go to the moon, Y/N?" she asked as she looked down at her watch. You turned your head to face her in confusion. "No, I just like to watch it sometimes," you responded and walked over to her. "Well let me tell you something, your method of stealing is pretty old-fashioned and very risky," she told you which caused your eyes to widen. Had she seen you steal before? "How do you know that!" you exclaimed and turned back to face the city. "Well, it explains the rumors about you." You let out a slight huff and turned back to her. Your eyes met and you felt your heart beat quicken. "Are you better at stealing, Nanno?" you asked shyly and tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. Another small smirk grew on her lips as she told you, "Do you want to know what I just stole?" She turned to her backpack and pulled out something that belonged to the school. "How did you steal that!" you exclaimed which caused the brunette to chuckle slightly. 

"You know, Y/N, stealing from the school is more fun than I thought," she chuckled. A small was on her face and the sun hit her olive skin once she put her backpack on over one shoulder. "Shall we have a competition?" she asked with a grin on her face. You smiled slightly and questioned, "What type of competition?"  Nanno drew closer to you until your faces were at least an inch away from each other. You blushed slightly by how close she was to you. Her skin was so perfect and her eyes were such a beautiful color that you could almost get lost in them. "Let's see who can get the most valuable items," she muttered to you. You nodded your head. "May the best thief win."

:Timeskip Until After the Competition brought to you by Nanno's bangs:

Nanno had gotten the most valuable items such as some money and a speaker while you only got a wallet and headphones. While those items were pretty good, you wanted to impress Nanno with your skill in being a thief. After being around her, you wanted to impress her and show her that you can match her skill. 

You both sat a desk apart in your classroom. Your teacher said to the class, "Today, we will look at your results from the exam you just took and see whether..." She paused and looked through her bag to find the exams. She stepped out of the room frustrated. You looked towards Nanno to see her holding the exams in her backpack with a her usual smirk on her olive skinned face. You smiled as well. Nanno was impressive and you thought you couldn't match her thievery because you only wanted to be her friend.

At the end of the school day, the two of you wiped the whiteboard from the black ink that wrote on it. "Nanno," you murmured to her which caused her to face you. "You're good. Have you ever been caught?" You swept your arm to the left with eraser in hand to get rid of the bits of writing still left on the board. Nanno side stepped a little closer in your direction and got on her toes to reach the top of the board. "No, I'm always careful. How about you?" she asked my and rested her eraser down. She leaned against the board and her chocolate colored eyes looked into your eyes. You blushed slightly in embarrassment before saying, "Never." Nanno blinked slightly then told you in a criticizing tone, "You're really not cautious enough." You knew it was wrong to not be cautious whenever you were doing such a risky thing, but stealing was your escape from your loneliness especially since your parent was taken away from you. You tried to think of something smart to say to Nanno but all you could think of was, "But I can run fast." Nanno cracked a small smile at you.

"Let's hang out after school," you told her.

A/N: Hi!!!!! I hope you liked this chapter. I tried to follow the events of this episode. Thank you for all the nice comments from the last chapter it rlly inspired me to write this chapter! I've changed when I'll update so the next chapter will most likely come out on Friday! Have a great day <3

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