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It started off like every other day waking up 5 o'clock in the morning taking a shower getting dressed and then go to work. I get to work and it's the same make sure the coffee pots are ready make sure the tea is ready make sure the tables are cleaned and then be ready to open at 7. 7 came it was the usual customers that always come early in the morning to get their coffee. So it's nice and easy it, it was me and this other girl named Laura. She was so sweet and the customers always loved her, and me and her we're pretty close. And then 8 o'clock came and it was still quite easy and it was a little chaotic but it wasn't bad. Then 9 o'clock came and that's where it all started.A group of people are came in and I could tell that this wasn't going to be fun they were very chaotic coming in to the coffee shop and disrupting other people.The group of people were also very very rude trash on spilling coffee on purpose being very childish and I had enough so I told them to stop very nicely but They thought it would be funny to dump  coffee right in front of my face. And I was very angry because I'm the one who hast to clean up the messes, so I yelled at them to get out of the coffee shop! But little did I know that my boss was standing right behind me. He pulled me aside and told me to get my act together. And I told him what they've been doing and why I reacted like that. He was said he totally understands why I reacted like that but there was someone very important here and he didn't want them to see me act like that. So I started thinking, who could be here That's so important?

Sorry it's short but the next chapter will be longer . And I sorry I left it on a little cliffhanger
Word count:346

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