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"Who could be so important that I had to put my act together" I thought to myself. So then I asked him "who is so important that I have to get my act together?" He looks at he and goes, " Helena bonham carter that's who!!" Omg the Helena bonham carter my child hood crush and my idol is in the coffee shop the one  I work at!!!! So I told him "oh my gosh yes I'm definitely gonna put my act together but can I be her waiter?" He looks at me and goes, " you have a crush on her don't you!" My boss was like a dad to me he's helped a lot. " How did you know?" I asked him. "Y/N come on now! I know when something up with you! Fine go, go wait on your little cushie poo!" He said to me. " okay two thing one don't ever say crushie poo again and two AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH YOUR THE BEST!!!!" So I walk away thinking my day couldn't get any better I get to wait on my childhood crush and idol!! So I go back inside and I see her, she's wearing her interview dress with her hair in her messy bun and wearing some black shoes. I stopped in my tracks trying to catch my breath because I'm about to wait on the Helena Bonham Carter! I finally catch my breath and grab her menu and tell her to follow me. I take her to the the best table there is in the shop she sat down I handed her the menu and she tells me how beautiful I look! And I stop and stare at her and think if she was talking to me or someone else so she looks at me and clears her throat and then I realize she was talking to me!!! So then I come back to to earth and say " oh my gosh no your look Beautiful today! But thank you!" She looks at me and goes " oh love well thank you!" That nickname gave me the worst butterfly's. So I finally get her order and of course she had to get her some tea! I go to the back and fix it up and bring it to her and warn her that it's hot! She looks at me and goes "well looks like the tea is not the only hot thing here!" And winked at me!!  I almost passed out when she said that to me!! " Miss Bonham carter-" she cuts me off real quick. " oh please call me Helena darling!" " oh okay, Helena you must be seeing things because I'm not the beautiful."  When I said that she looked at me like she was about to kill me or something! " love you are gorgeous and if you don't see that well you're blind!"  And I just remembered how I never told her my name I was too caught up on making sure her tea was the best tea she has ever had! " oh I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you my name before I took your order, please don't tell my boss!" " it will be our little secret" and she winked after that! " My name is Y/N" " well it was lovely meeting youY/N and my I say you have an gorgeous name!" " thank you so much! And  it was nice meeting you too Helena,  now I will leave you alone so you can enjoy your tea!" As you turn to walk away you hear Helena say your name. "Y/N if you don't mind and if your boss doesn't mind could you possibly stay and chat with me?"

Ahh I know I'm sorry another cliffhanger but I wanted to get chapter 2 out tonight and I'm also sorry that it's short  I I promise that I will make  chapter 3 long!! And maybe some smut for all you horny Helena lovers!
Word count:662

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