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Name: Haru Sikichi
Age: 17
Zodiac: Scorpio
Birthday: November 9th
Quirk: Emotions Sensor

When he hears certain emotions in music it gives him skills he can decide to keep or discard. Stronger the emotions Stronger the skill

Drawbacks: His mood is influenced by the song, lyrics and beat and depending on the intensity can Last for a few seconds to around 2 weeks and 4 days.

Looks: Has mechanical blueish, greyish hair, at the back faded into mint green with mint green eyes, he has a mint green teardrop right under his eyes. Has 2 piercing on each earlobe.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Music, his friends, parkour, gaming, messing with people's heads, reading, attention from loved ones

Dislikes: Noisy people, bullies, his parents, burnt food, being ignored by someone he loves dearly, being trapped

Personality: Chaotic, sensitive, ambivert, a bit overbearing, emotional

Relationship Status: Crushing

Quote: Life is a teacher who teaches me unforgettable lessons. Every day is a new journey and it comes with conflict and experience

Other: He tends to trust what other's say very easily and is very reassuring. He likes to make as much friends as possible

Triggers or Phobia: Cleithrophobia (the fear of being trapped), Monophopia (the fear of being lonely)

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Age: 16
Zodiac: Gemini
Birthday: June 21st

Quirk: Gamers Code

The user's quirk is just like a game. Creating dungeons, monsters and absorbing information to level up. He has past lives and au's which he can interact with and gain their abilities. Think of it as a video game

(Have you ever read the webtoon the gamer? This is like it but more advanced).

Looks: Mint green Hair and eyes

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Likes: his friends, gaming, katsudon, parkour, singing, music, candy, chocolates and anime

Dislikes: Fake people, his mom, his classmates, fake heroes(All might and endeavour especially), being abandoned

Personality: lazy, artistic, introverted, sensitive, observant, emotionally mature, unstable, chaotic

Relationship Status: will be crushing later on in the story

Quote: There's a story behind everything and one. Never judge a book by its cover.

Other: Bakugou didn't bully him like he did in the anime but he sure as hell didn't like him. Gets hurt really easily but tries to hide it. A bit of a pushover

Triggers or phobia: Athazagoraphobia (the fear of being abandoned, forgotten or ignored), Claustrophobia (the fear of closed spaces)

Name: Asa Hayles
Age: 16
Zodiac: Pisces
Birthday: March 15th
Quirk: Matter Manipulation
Able to manipulate all states of matter. Can merge objects, pull them apart and even dissolve or store them. Can solidify liquids and gases and is immune to poisons. (Fun fact: her quirk also works on humans XD)

Looks: White hair, red eyes and pointed ears. Her hair was bleached as she didn't think the colour suited her.

Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual

Likes: parkour, her friends, her parents, skateboarding, thrills, rp, dancing, yaoi, horror, wholesome romance, kdramas,cdrama's,k pop, some animes, manga, sweets

Dislikes: shrill voices, green tea bitches, white lotuses, skirts and dresses, being confined, fake friends, being bored

Personality: Impulsive at times, she has this mask of confidence to hide her weaknesses(Kinda like bakugou except she isn't a total asshole), lazy, mean, energetic, sweet,short tempered

Relationship status: Single

Quote: If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal.

Other: Is a total bitch, can be a bit inconsiderate,when she loves, she loves hard, has a therapist, doesn't give two shits about human life

Triggers or phobia:thaasophobia(the fear of being bored), thanatophobia (is the fear of death or the fear of loved ones dying)

Name:Alii Hayles
Zodiac: Pisces
Birthday: March 15th
Quirk: Light
Can control the rays from all sources of light and heat. She's able to store the heat for Strong attacks.

Looks: light blue Hair, yellow eyes and pointed ears

Sexuality: Un-labelled

Likes: food, romance, dancing, rollerskating, hot people, RPGs, cute people

Dislikes: untidiness, fake people, rudeness, green tea b*tches, bullies

Personality: a bit timid, crazy around those she's comfortable with, a wolf in sheep's clothing, flirty, materialistic

Relationship Status: Dating

Quote: We're still young so why should we waste our time on things that will tie us down?

Other: Over protective older twin, literally keeping Asa in check, polyamorous

Triggers or phobia: none

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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