Chapter 3

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I didn't realize how annoying he was until I came back here.

Currently, I'm laying on my bed thinking. I only got around four hours of sleep, so it's around 6 a.m. right now. I know I'll be tired later once the maids come to dress me in about two hours, but I can't sleep. I know what I have to do.

I get up and go to my closet that's through the door to the right of my bed. I pick out a pair of black leather breeches and boots, a white blouse, and a black cloak. I put it on quickly and walked to the back of the closet. I feel around for the nick in the wall. I slide my hand back and forth, back and forth. Ah, there we go. I curl my fingers in the small dent in the wall, and press the little button. The rock wall slides out of place to reveal a dark hallway lit with torches.

From what I can remember, this leads to the mages of the palace. I go back to close the closet door, then grab a torch and close the rock wall. Once I'm in, I follow the one-way path down to the bottom of the palace. The Archmage's Tavern.

After what feels like forever, I reach the tavern's door. I can smell the alcohol and feel the magic just through the space between the floor and the door.

I look to the paths that lead left and right. No one knows where they lead, and I'm sure there's a good reason why.

Camly, I hit the door three times. Knock, knock, knock. As soon as I'm about to hit it once more, a mage slides the peephole open. He scans me once, twice, three times, until he meets my eyes. They just show something because he immediately draws back and opens the door wide.

He bows. "Welcome, Lady Risa." Everyone stops what they're doing, and by the time I acknowledge the man with the tilt with my head and step inside, all eyes are pointed at me. This is nothing new.

"Where is she," I speak. A small boy shakes as he comes in front of me, his head down. "This way, my lady," and he leads me to the back.

"She should be in there," and with that, he scurries away. I'm in front of her door, debating whether coming here was a good choice or not. Ultimately, I decide to walk in.

I don't bother to knock, but as soon as I open the door, all I see is her and some nobleman, that she probably fetched from the court, all up each other's faces on her table. I grimace. Clearing my throat, they immediately stop eating each other's faces off and face me. The man blushes. Quickly running out the door, he doesn't even bother to take his satchel.

One the other hand, the Archmage sits up properly at the edge of the table, smiling up at me, clearly amused by the situation.

I take a seat on one of the abandoned chairs."How are you doing, Arissa?"

The smile hasn't let her face, and I wonder if it'll ever fall off. "Well look who finally decided to show up? I really thought you'd never come back, to be honest. That bitch who was in your body really messed up your whole life," she says. I smile. "A 'hello' would be nice," I say. Her eyes turn soft. "You have no idea how much I missed you, Emris. What'd you think I felt for the past 8 years you were gone? I had to deal with that psycho the whole time! Her personality sucked, too! I mean, at least she had her face. Do you know how needy she was? She went through 2 million dollars in the span of a year, Emris. 2 MILLION dollars! I'm so glad you're back. The kingdom has been in shambles since you died. Well, since you left this body. The bimbo never went on any missions either, so be careful, 'cause it'll be very obvious that she's changed in 24 hours. When she woke up in your body for the first time, she obviously knew nothing, so she had to start over and everyone treated her as an illness and charity case."

Wow. This is a lot. "Well Arissa, this is a lot to take in, and I missed you so much, too. You have no idea. Akira actually made me a deal this time."

"What? What'd she say?"

"She said to live my life out this time, but that I'll have to return to the next life at some point. Something didn't feel right about it. Everyone in her circle is weird. I just need to get out of Hayze's way 'cause he is literally crazy."

"Wait. Hayze? As in Hayze Rorsum from academy? From the enemy kingdom?"

"Yes! He broke into my room a few hours ago and gave me this whole speech about dressing nice for my birthday, then giving me 2 daisies, Arissa. DAISIES! You know what those mean," I said frustratingly.

"Oh, wow. Oh also, before I forget, the bimbo got you engaged."

I freeze. "What did you say? She got me engaged? To who? How?"

She smiles again. "Maynard Holmes. You know, the guy you insisted was the ugliest creature alive? She ended up finding his blond, shaggy hair attractive and tried to pursue him. And by pursuing him, I mean stalk. She would convince the maids to let you out to follow him, and you even went to your father, the King, and asked him for permission to marry him. Honestly, the only reason he said yes is because Maynard is first in line for the Holmes dukedom after his father passes."

"Dang it," I say. "Okay, well, I got to go. The maids should be running to get me by now. I'll see you again later at the ball, okay?" I stand up. "Yes, of course, Your Majesty," and she bows to me. There's a tone of mockery in it, but I don't mind it at all. "Come here," I say, and we both hug each other tight, drowning in the feeling of safety and comfort in our best friend's arms.


I honestly love Arissa so much. She's like that bestfriend in the story that everyone loves.

What do you think of her and the story so far?

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