2.3 :: ❝ psycho ❞

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TW!! This chapter contains actions of assault, rape, and profanity. read at your own risk!

"We both hope you consider joining our agency as we rarely recruit people ourselves.

Warm Regards,

Bang Christopher Chan.

P.S, you are allowed to date that Lucas man because KSJ also doesn't have dating bans *wink*"

Yuqi read the last sentence over and over again, not believing her eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" Yuqi slapped her face which confirmed the fact that this was, indeed, reality.

She started squealing and straight away, she thought she had to immediately tell Lucas.

Then, she realized.

He has been ignoring her texts.

Yuqi doesn't know why; ever since they came back from Hawaii, Lucas practically disappeared. None of his friends knew where he was, neither did anyone at the company.

However, she was getting a little sus about Yanan. Usually, he would bother her 24/7, asking to hang out, to go drink. But after the magazine was released, he has been awfully quiet. Yuqi grew worried about Lucas.

"WHAT IF THAT BITCH DID SOMETHING TO HIM???" Yuqi suddenly shouted.

As quickly as possible, Yuqi grabbed her purse, phone, wallet, and pepper spray. Just as she was going to walk out of her dorm, she realized: it will be dangerous if Yanan really kidnapped Lucas.

Fuck it, Yuqi couldn't care less right now. She rode her bike as fast as possible to Yanan's house. She remembers that right now Yanan should be at his part-time job, and decided now was the best time to rescue Lucas if he was indeed captured there.

Because Yuqi has watched a lot of kdramas, she knows the last thing she should do is go through the front door. Therefore, she climbed through a back window that was open and tiptoed through the house.

His house remained the same since middle school; semi-clean, had an eerie feeling, and the scent of smoke and alchohol.

If Yanan really kidnapped someone, he would definitely lock them in the basement.

Yuqi slowly walked down the stairs with her phone flashlight on. While tiptoeing, the stairs made a creepy squeaky noise that gave Yuqi the creeps.

She saw a figure sitting on a chair and her body was filled with worry.

Yuqi ran; she pushed the door open and rushed to the body that was tied up on the chair.

"LUCAS!!!!" She cried.

He was sitting there, lifeless. His mouth was duct-taped, and so were his arms and legs.

Yuqi quickly removed the duct tape and asked Lucas what's going on.

"Yuqi... run...Yanan...he-" Lucas weakly said.

that son of a bitch.

Yuqi took the pocket knife from out of her purse and was cutting the duct tape on Lucas's arms behind the chair with her back facing the door.

Little did she know, she was screwed.

Before the duct tape could completely rip apart, the voice she wanted to never hear filled the room.

"Well, well, well. I expected you would realize but not this soon," Yanan smirked, twirling the knife and rope in his hands.

"You..." Yuqi snarled.

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