Void Devil

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Lux Umbra (Light) POV

I stood outside the camp looking at the demon fortress far off in the distance. That cursed object just wouldn't go down as more and more demons kept appearing, I would think Satan was making a final push to concur the world if I didn't know that he had many Titan Demons that had yet to be seen

"Mistress," A voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Life giving me a bow "What is it Life? I hope it is somewhat good news" I said turning fully to face her only to be disappointed when she shook her head in response

"The news I bring is not the best of news, one of the 7 fallen are on their way here to going the Demons in their battle against you, thankfully we never told the angels that you were down here" Life said

"*Sigh* Which one is it?" I asked in resignation, hopefully, the ones that fell didn't get too corrupted by the demons world. "The one that comes has named himself Prejudice, but that is not what worries me mistress" Life said

"Oh? And what could worry you more than a fallen angel coming to attack the human world?" I asked sarcastically. "There has been... chatter among the more... grey area angels. My fear is that soon more angels will fall and join the ranks of Hell"

Now that was a worrying thought, how could my own creations think of joining the enemy, the very thing they were made to destroy. Did I make a fault when creating them? I don't know, but I had to deal with this quickly

"Put heaven on lockdown until stated otherwise, and keep an eye on all those that think of turning, they cannot leave heaven under any circumstances" I commanded

Life bowed her head before breaking into white and gold particles and floated away






"Akel... what is this?" I asked the vampire beside me in disgust. "I do not know Milord, but it should be burnt in holy fire!" she answered back as we both stared at something that would make a normal man puke

 "I do not know Milord, but it should be burnt in holy fire!" she answered back as we both stared at something that would make a normal man puke

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This... creature, was once a human who decided it would be a great idea to start meddling with demonic magic and energy for the fun of it. He had then been corrupted and had consumed an entire village worth of people to make up its... body

"Not even going to argue on that fact, the thing is that we don't have an angel here to make true holy flames, I mean sure, I can summon holy flames easily, but it would be false holy flames meaning it wouldn't kill this... thing, fully" I said

"Well, we just have to make do with crushing this thing with pure strength and then throwing it into the void" I continued before stepping out of the bush and getting the ball of flesh attention. "Hello disgusting creature, I am here to kill you... please do not resist"

Akel jumped over me from behind before swinging her sword through the neck of the top head, causing it to roll off. "well, that was easy-" Akel was interrupted when the creature stabbed her through the stomach with one of its spiked arms

"*Bleh* W-well, that hurt," She said while looking down at the offending object. "Are you alright?" I asked with mild concern, she was an immortal vampire, of course, she would be alright. "*sigh* Yea, just give me a second milord" she said before grabbing the spike at her back

And breaking the ting in half with her strength, she then proceeded to push the thing out and walk back over to my side while doing all the flesh blobs attacks "That thing is annoying" she stated to which I could only nod in agreement

"But at least it's good target practice" I said before summoning a sword and rushing at the monster and started slicing and dicing it until it fell into a pile of perfectly cut cubes of flesh and bone

"Alright, let's go-" and just as what happened to Akel I got stabbed, except this time it was through my heart "O-oh" and then I was dropped into the thing's mouth

Akel POV

"MILORD!" I yelled in fear as Master was dropped into the horrible, detestable creatures yellow-toothed moth without even being chewed. I felt myself start going into a blood rage, an ability all vampires had is they got angry enough, and I sure as hell was pissed

"Die you Detistible blight upon the earth!" I yelled as I reverted to my true form and started cutting at the blob, trying to reach where ever its stomach maybe but still somehow got pushed back as the thing seemed to evolve from the power master gave off

"Die you Detistible blight upon the earth!" I yelled as I reverted to my true form and started cutting at the blob, trying to reach where ever its stomach maybe but still somehow got pushed back as the thing seemed to evolve from the power master ...

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"You dare use masters powers to better yourself!? DIE" but before I could charge at the horrid being it started getting bloated up, as though it was being filled with air and was about to pop

Which it actually did as all of its body got blown apart by what could only be described as the Devil of the Void. But the power coming off the devil was that of my masters so I had no need to worry

"That was the worst experience I have ever had," the master said in the voice of the void "That thing even killed my host's body! Now I have to go and find a new one"

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"That was the worst experience I have ever had," the master said in the voice of the void "That thing even killed my host's body! Now I have to go and find a new one"

He then walked over to me and stared down from his 4-meter tall height "Come, Akel, we must find me a new host" before proceeding to walk away in the direction of the city with massive booms following each of his steps

'Well, let's hope he finds a host that will work for him, cant exactly take control of nations while looking like the Void Devil' I though before moving after him

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