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Lux Umbra (Light) POV

I stared at the lesser sin in fear, my body not responding to my commands to move as it inched its disgusting face forward, its limbs producing an ink-like substance that sent shivers down my spine

"Oh how long I have awaited this moment! I always regretted every decision of my life, from following your rules to praising you! A false idle! A fAlSe GoD!" Regrets voice got more and more twisted as it spoke, its long tail lashing out in agitation before stilling

"But I have seen a true god! Satan himself contains just a shard of its power! The others don't see it but I do! And though I cannot see the regrets you feel I know they contain my true god! I will use your form to build me a body in the material and I shall search out my god!" Regret started hopping up and down while its through released happy croaks

I could do nothing against the fallen as it continued to fantasies about meeting my father, something that shouldn't be possible as he was still locked in the void... all due to my own ignorance

Regrets head snapped in my direction as its croaking became more frequent "Yes! Yes! Feed me your regret! I shall find my god soon!" It said happily, the ink-like substance it leaked pooling around my body

But that brought the question of where were we. I knew my mindscape and this wasn't it so where could we possibly be? "W-where..." I tried to speak but my voice faded out leaving me feeling even more drained than before

Luckily, or maybe not, Regret understood my unfinished question as it paused in its happy tirade and turned to face me "We are in the dark part of your body, a place that only exists because you are in a human form, I'm half certain that if you were slightly more powerful a whole new Lesser Sin could be born from this place!"

My head started lolling back as my brain tried to comprehend that I could have almost created another of these monsters without knowing it. "Yes! Yes! More regret! Soon! Oh so Soon!" I ignored the fallen rambling as the dread set in

The more regret I felt the more difficult it became to move like the very energy was being sucked out of my body. Tilting my head sideways I saw the ink was no longer a dark black, nor was it leaking off of Regret, instead it seemed to be a shimmering grey that was slowly being absorbed back into its body

"Regret is to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that one has done or failed to do! You have these three coming off you in waves my goddess! Feed me more!"

"Stop... your voice... annoys... m... me" I managed to get out. Regret froze before turning to me, a wide crooked smile growing across its face showing the black gums within, its tail stopped swinging around and came to a complete stop

"Aright false idol! I shall give you a few minutes of silence as the last of your energy is drained for my new body! You will live don't worry! But I will be free and rule as the most powerful Fallen and Lesser sin!"

And as it said it remained silent, the blissful quiet lulling my mind to sleep, away from the dark corner of my soul and into a nice peaceful sleep


3rd Person POV

The camp was a peaceful quiet the generals had gone to the main army camp to plan ahead with the loss of Lux Umbra who currently rested in a tent guarded by 2 loyal Swordon knights, their guard unchanging as they stood to attention stopping anyone else from approaching. 6 others were positioned throughout the camp alongside a Sparadon Lutenent and 2 of his best knights 

"Almost daybreak then we swap with the others," One of the guarding knights said randomly to try to start a conversation "Come on man, we are almost done, lighten up a little" again he was met with silance "Dude if this is about me fu- holy shi-!"

 The knight had turned to see why his partner wasn't talking to him and was met with the sight of his friend having a spear shoved through his head, keeping his dead body off the ground so as not to make a noise, moments before a black armour clad hand grabbed his head and crushed it

The owner of the spear ripped the spear out of the dead body and let the 2 dead knights fall to the ground creating a large noise of grating armour. Other knights nearby looked in their direction and were met with the sight of a woman in black armour whipping the blood of the tip of her spear and giving them a regretful smile

Her red eyes gleamed as she crouched down, the smile not leaving her face "Sorry boys and girls! But I have other places to be!" her voice was distinctly female yet it had an undercurrent of power they had only ever heard once

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Her red eyes gleamed as she crouched down, the smile not leaving her face "Sorry boys and girls! But I have other places to be!" her voice was distinctly female yet it had an undercurrent of power they had only ever heard once


2 other knights ran forward to try to get the now known Lesser Sin by surprise but never got the chance as they were both killed by the spear the Fallen wielded so quickly none could see her move

"I am Regret! Fallen Angel and Lesser Sin of the same name! And as of now! I am the most powerful of my kind! Regretfully this is goodbye!" Regrets eyes glowed slightly as she lifted her spear up and aimed the tip at the ground, the regretful smile growing larger... before the tip pierced the solid earth

At the other camps, they watched in fear as one of their camps was surrounded by a dark ball of what looked to be ink before completely disappearing. 10 000 soldiers went without anybody knowing how

When sent to investigate the knights only found a single thing in the circular hole left behind

Lux, her body deathly pale, lay alone in the empty land, her spear resting by her side having cracks run up the side. War watched from above as the knights carefully extracted her from the hole and took her to a medical tent

"Lord Y/N will not be pleased"

He turned and walked off, his cape billowing in a sudden wind

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