The Blade of Darkness

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Lux Umbra (Light) POV

'This must be one of the fallen Life told me about' I thought as I looked this so-called Prejudice up and down, he was far more powerful than any of the Sacred Weapon wielders there currently, and judging by the damage he had caused to the surrounding land by just being here he had an equal or even higher power level than I did currently

"Big words for someone with nothing to back it!" Shouted the same general from earlier "And Fallen Angel my ass, I'm not much of a holy man but if Lady Light ever welcomed me into heaven I would treasure it, no being would ever give up that kind of place!"

'Oh please, the only way you'll get up into heaven was if you found my father and got him to forgive me,' I thought grimly as I focused back on the Perconifyed Evil who started to chuckle lightly before bursting into a full-on cackle

"Lady Light, as you call her, has long since abandoned the heavens! None of the angels even know where she is!" He proclaimed before the area filled with smoke once again "But what the creator does isn't any of my business, I'm just here to kill you all" His raspy voice echoed from all sides

"Like hell, we will-" We all turned around to look at the general who now had a flaming sword sticking out of his stomach before it was pulled back out his body quickly catching alight before burning to a crisp in a couple of seconds "I grow tired of your voice mortal"

With that quick death, everyone went into overdrive, the less competent fell to their knees and began to pray while the rest got their weapons out and prepared to defend themselves "How amusing, you pray for salvation in the face of one who used to do the saving, how... interesting you mortals are"

From the shadows, the burning sword came flying forward and beheaded all the ones praying "Worship will not save you, only the true will to defend one's self can save you now" The smoke started to clear once again showing the entire camp in tatters and ash

At the end of the destroyed camp stood the fallen angel, his unholy fire blazing across his skin "You have been warned, you stand against a Personified Evil in the field of battle, it would be best to surrender when next we meet"

With that he phased out of view, a maniacal laugh echoing throughout the ashen remains of what was once our camp, charged bodies littering the floor their skin crumbling in the wind as a gentle breeze drifted by

"... Let's go to one of the other camps... there is nothing left for us here" I said as I turned and walked in the direction of our second encampment, the footsteps from behind telling me that the rest are following

'We are doomed, I may have to call in some angels soon, I hope it does not come to that...'


"Ahh, Mister F/N, Miss Akel welcome back" I looked over to guild master Sordeen, he had a slight limp in his right foot and had his arm in a cast "Please come with me, I assume you found the things that killed the village if you have returned?"

"Yes, a herd of Void Centaurs, not that difficult to kill," I said as we sat at the table in his office, "Ha, only you can claim a Voidling as an easy thing to handle" Sordeen laugher before motioning for a maid to bring us some beverages

"So I take it you would like your reward?" He asked while motioning for a butler to leave the room, presumably to go get the reward just mentioned before turning back to me with a quizzical eyebrow raised

"Yes, though I would also like to ask about the dead bodies outside and your injuries as well if you don't mind," I said while eyeing his arm, the bone was shattered in 3 different places if my powers were correct

"Not at all. A small army of what seemed to be mutated humans attacked the city gate. They had weird metal heads and deformed right arms while wielding an axe in their left, real pieces of work I tell you, all available  guild members had to be called in to fight them" He said

The maid arrive and poured us all a glass of water before putting down a boiling kettle and some cups with different types of coffee and tea presented. "How many were there?" Akel asked while I took a sip of my water and thanked the maid

"About 100, couldn't get an accurate count as they dragged away from the dead body when they retreated" He responded before pouring himself a cup of coffee "Ahh, looks like your reward is here now F/N"

I turned to see the butler walk in with a black suitcase held firmly in his hand while a chain tied his arm to the handle as well, two highly armoured guards walked beside the butler, most likely to make sure none tried to steal the weapon inside

"Pardon the extra security, someone once tried to steal the blade and almost succeeded if it wasn't  for the fact the Sacred Sword had been visiting and had incapacitated them, the thief now stays locked in Gladii Prison the 6 most secure prison in the world," Sordeen said while the guards untied the chain and the butler handed the case to him

Sordeen laid the case on the table before producing a key from within his suite and unlocked the final lock and swivelled it towards me "This is The Blade of Darkness, made from an asteroid that fell from the heavens many hundreds of years ago. The blade has been tested and is said to be the second most powerful sword ever made losing only by a large margin to the Sacred Sword itself"

Inside the case rested a blade of pure black steel radiating a strong aura, or at least strong by the woods standards, the guard looked to be made of unholy silver, otherwise known as Dark steel, quite rare if Deaths words are true, and the blade was made of, hohoho, this was interesting

"I hope it's to your satisfaction," Sordeen asked with a smirk as a smile;e grew larger and larger on my lips

I looked up at the guild master with a small smirk "Very much so, very very much"

I looked up at the guild master with a small smirk "Very much so, very very much"

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