First time hanging out

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A couple days had passed and I hadn't been out, it hurt to much to do anything. Last night I got a txt from harry asking if I wanted to go out today so I agreed to it after a lot of thinking. If I would've said no, I would've never left this room let alone the apartment. Talia kept coming in and hugging me and giving me the food and drink I needed. I felt bad for her as well, she was just as close to my parents as I was and vice versa.

I woke up at 6:00am just like I had been the past couple of days for no reason but normally I could go back to sleep. It was different today tho, I couldn't get back to sleep. So instead I got up and decided to deep clean my room as it was a mess, there were no cups in the kitchen cupboard because they were all in my room same with plates and cutlery. I figured it wasn't fair on talia, this was her apartment and i was wrecking it. I thought it would be nice to also clean the apartment as it would get my mind of the situation and also it would help talia out and be a nice little surprise.

I started with the living room and the kitchen going round collecting any cups and plates I could to put them in the dishwasher. I tried to be quiet but of course the plates wanted to be noisy. I fluffed the pillows, folded up blankets, wiped down the sides, packed the stuff away in the cupboard and picked up any rubbish so I could go empty the bins.

Moving onto my room, I done the same. I couldn't believe I let my room get this messy, normally I hated mess. Everyone knew as being clean and organised but this was a whole different level. I could hardly walk around it. I put my earphones in so I could listen to some music and started cleaning.

It was 12:00pm and talia was not awake yet, or she was but hadn't came out yet. I wasn't meeting harry until 4:00 so I decided to wake her up so we could hangout for a bit and I could surprise her.

"Morning talia, I got a surprise for you and thought we could hangout just us two like old times" I said looking at talia realising she was just as broken as I was. It hurt me to see her like this.

"Your out of your room, you feeling alright ahah. And yeah I would love to hangout with you today" talia said smiling at me. I dragged her out of her bed and into the living room. Her face was surprised, I could tell she loved seeing her apartment all tidy and she also loved it when I cleaned.

We set out a plan for the day and told each other what we were doing. I told her that I was going to see harry today and she got all excited. She knew that I liked him ever since he followed me that time on insta. She was going to see Simon today for the first time in 4 days. We were both excited about the day we were going to have and even made time to have a movie night tonight.

As I got ready into black leggings a tank top and a big bomber jacket with focussed my airforces I decided to take a picture to post on my Instagram:

Caption: ready for the day ahead (sorry for being quiet, video coming soon along with a very special announcement!)Comments:@Taliamar: you go gurllll@behinga: you got good fashion sense @fan1: wonder what the announcement is! Eeeek I'm so excited!

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Caption: ready for the day ahead (sorry for being quiet, video coming soon along with a very special announcement!)
@Taliamar: you go gurllll
@behinga: you got good fashion sense
@fan1: wonder what the announcement is! Eeeek I'm so excited!

As i went to walk out the door, harry text me:

Harry x
Yoooooo, I'm waiting at Nando's
At the table, you'll see me when you
Walk in x

Ahhhh okay, I'm leaving now be there in 5 x

As i arrived at Nando's and through the entrance, i could see harry waving at me. I was so lad he asked me to hang out otherwise i would've just got into the routine of not dong anything and wasting time with people who i considered were my friends.

"Heyy, how are you doing?" Harry said standing up to give me a hug.

"I'm doing good, its been a hard couple of days but i got through them day by day" i said sitting down t the table and picking up the menu.

You and harry sat there talking for what felt like ages, you were so similar and liked all the same things. You had never met any one like him, we just clicked instantly.

After having dinner out at Nando's then going for a walk you decided to call it a night and go home so you could have movie night with talia and he could do a stream on twitch. He dropped you off and got a taxi to take him to his flat.

*separate from the story*

Hope you guys are enjoying it and once again leave suggestions in the comments or something


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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