Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I stood inside my cousin's bedroom, emotionlessly kissing the boy in front of me, as a desperate attempt to feel something. He would ever so often grab my ass, but it just felt wrong and unpleasurable. His kisses were a sloppy undesirable mess but I let him do it. I ruined my first kiss for a night of what I thought, would be teenage normalcy. Lemme tell you, it was anything but normal.

The bedroom door opened and my cousin burst in. He knew I was kissing his best friend, but for some reason the idiot in front of me didn't figure that out, and kept going at my lips. I continued standing there emotionally, and made awkward eye contact with my cousin, silently begging him to do something.

"Kaden what the hell!" My cousin ripped his body off of mine

"She let me dude! This has nothing to do with you!" He yelled back

"Sophia's my cousin you dumb fuck!"

They kept yelling and shoving each other, as I continued standing there. The fuck am I supposed to do here? I took this as my cue to leave the bedroom. I ran into the guest room, where I was staying, and switched my purple pyjama top for a black oversized shirt, and ran down the stairs and right out the door.

I blasted beach bunny into my ears as I walk down the pebbled pavement and onto the concrete. The sounds of the cars were muffled by the loud music blasting into my ears. I continued walking down the road, blissfully unaware of whatever was going on in the bedroom.

I kept walking for an hour or so, and about 20 minutes in, I have no idea where I am. Whatever, google maps can help me out when I feel like going home. I see a man curled up in a ball, crying in pain, at the end of an alleyway. For the first time in what felt like forever, I felt emotion. Huh. I felt emotion..

I took this as a cue to walk into the alley and help the man out. He was drifting in and out of consciousness as I repeatedly asked him what had happened, but all he did was point behind me. I spun around, and the silhouette hit me right on the head with a barrel of a gun. Stupid fucking emotions. This is why emotions suck. I thought, as the world slowly faded into darkness.

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