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Noah's POV

My eyes lingering  over her body "Ahem stop staring me like you will drink me up with your eyes" She snapped her fingers at me "Ah what i say i just might" told her then she gave me a duh look.

"You are beautiful" I told her and saw her eyes sparkle "You don't get that alot do u?" I asked her. "No most people just call me hot it's been ages since someone has called me beautiful" She told me.

"Well you are a girl not a cup of tea" I watched her laugh "You are funny" "No i am not funny i am Noah" and again she laughed at my goofiness "Oh where are my manners Hi there I am Sara" He said with a cute smile. 

"Wow Sara quite a name" The party went by and it was 2 am and Olly was totally whipped.

"Looks like it's time to bade goodbye" I told Sara. "Sadly yes i was enjoying your company so much" "So maybe you can accompany me to my dorm" I asked her "Oh i can't-----I have a puppy now u don't wanna miss that do you?" I knew this trick would work "Then what are we waiting for let's get in the car losers" She shouted and ran towards my car. Man i wish i had that energy.

"OMG THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOO FREAKIN' CUTEEEEE" Sara yelled. Me putting fingers over my ears my it's been ten mins and she can't contain herself around Bruno. We found out that her dorm was under mine and we are from same Uni. "Looks like i would be comin' here more often" She told me with Bruno on her lap. Ugh now i have officially started to envy Bruno the fluff ball.

It's been an hour for me writing in my diary yaah right i have a personal diary and today i have so much to write about.

I got back to the living area where Sara was with MR.Fluffy watching TV. I know animals don't watch TV but this one dose and that's when i noticed that Sara was asleep. So i did what was the right thing i picked Sara up placed her on my bed and spread the covers over her. She looked so peaceful sleeping like that. 

I glanced at the time it was 4am Holy smokes LEDENDS GO TO SLEEP IN THE MORNIN'

I went to the conch placed my ass down then passed away.

"GET UP OR IMMA POUR THE BUKET OF WATER ON YO HEAD" I saw Sara straddling my lap. Where she get's this energy from. "Omg Jesus Sara chill" Woah looks like i am Jesus Now nah i like being the queen better" "Okey my queen would u lemme sleep it's 8 in the mornin'" I told her.

"Oh boy u better bow down on your knees. Can i get a yes your majesty?" She stood high on the couch lookin' down at me "Yes your majesty"    "Get up we gonna go to the Zoo ayeee that rhymed now getttt UPPPPP" she said 

Zooo okey not bad she went to her dorm to get ready and i went to the closet to take out an outfit for me .

Zooo okey not bad she went to her dorm to get ready and i went to the closet to take out an outfit for me

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Not wanting to be cheesy i wore the most simple and classy cloths. That's when i heard a knock i opened the door and there stood the goddess herself 

The Zoo was an hour and half from we were at after sometime we reached there i left Bruno with Olly so i'd have some attention for the day

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The Zoo was an hour and half from we were at after sometime we reached there i left Bruno with Olly so i'd have some attention for the day.

"No way he doesn't looks like me " I said frowning because Ms.Sara was comparing me to a monkey's baby like come on who even does that. "Noah look at his eyes his eyes your nose his nose it's almost identical" She told me "No it's not"

"Look this bunny looks like you Sara "I told her "Aw you said i am cute?" She said "Well i ma pretty sure i didn't say that" "But the bunny is cute" I smiled man this girl is smart with words

 "Ughhhhh i m tired" Sara whined "Come here" Wosh----" I lifted her in a piggy back. "U good up there majesty?" I asked "Yes Son i am great up here" Haha that made me laugh. We went to the car then i took her to a to olive garden.

"We'd like some pasta, Spaghetti , Bruschetta and loaded nachos" after 10 mins our order arrived "Mhhmmmm Thes is so tasti " She spoke while eating.

It was 5pm and we were back on our way home

I jumped on my bed she jumped on me fluffy jumped on her like a big happy family. 

We were watching Netflix  her head on my chest after a big fight whether we will watch friends or office we settled on Notebook. "You are so cute" I said very low so she won't hear me. "I heard that" she said. "sure you did" "You aren't pretty bad yourself " She told me.

That's when i heard a knock on the front door "Oh olly man who are these" I noticed he had a whole bunch of people behind him. "Just some on my friends thought we all could hangout" "Ah sure now that u already in" There were total of 5 other people 2 girls and 3 boys then me olly and sara.

We all sat on the floor in a circle with a blonde suggesting that we should play truth or dare why is it always a girl!? 

"Okey Olly your turn"
"When was your last kiss?"
"An hour ago"

"Okey samantha your turn"
"Go out and shout u are a bitch in the hallway"

She got up and went out the dorm and screamed "I AM A BITCH DARE COMPELETED" Lmao smart girl.

"Sara your turn"
"Do have any feeling for anyone in the room right now?"

I looked at her all tensed up "I do for bruno" UHHHHHHHH Bruno again.

"I mean in humans?"
"Yes i do"

Finally a sign of relief.

"Noah your turn"
"Haha kiss Monica"

oh shit.

"Or Sara choice is all yours"
I looked at Sara. 

Holy fuck.  

||Hehe  i did no proof reading sorry for all the mistakes and ayeee cliff-hanger haha i know But what can we say you know a writer  is a writer lmao okey byeee Adios Migos||

IN THE END IT'S YOU AND IWhere stories live. Discover now