Chapter 4: ~ascending II: monologuing~

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That was a nice nap. Shortly after I woke up, I went back to the hallway. I opened the door but instead of greeted by the hallway I've come to love, I was back to where the staircase was. I tried slapping myself to see if I was dreaming or not. I wasn't. I even tried closing and opening the door multiple times but it always opened to the view of the spiral staircase.

It really wasn't all that bad considering I have to walk all the way back anyway, that kinda saved two hours' worth of my time. Anyway, it's walking time again. sigh, I felt so demotivated after glancing at the stairs. 

As I was walking up, I started thinking to myself. Why couldn't it be the never-ending elevator? It would've been much more fun that way, wouldn't it? Much faster and comfortable too. At least modernize it and make it an escalator. Actually, if that's the case, can an escalator even be in a spiral formation? How would that even work? That's a whole other can of beans I don't want to open.




It's been 10 minutes. I've been walking for 10 minutes. What new stuff did I even see? Nothing. The next floor seems so far away too. Goddammit! There's gotta be something I could do to pass the time. Anything in my pocket or anything...? Hmm? What? There's a coin in my pocket...

A peculiar-looking coin. It's the size of a US quarter and it has a gold tint on it. It has a square-shaped hole in the middle of it with odd-looking designs engraved on it. Flipping to the back, there's one large word on the top writing 'I N S E R T'. Where do I insert this coin? Where did I even get it in the first place? I didn't found one the last time I checked my pockets. Maybe while I was sleeping back in that park? Someone slipped it in maybe. Does this mean someone's monitoring me?

I frantically looked all over, to see if there's someone or something looking at me. Maybe there are even security cameras recording me all this and I didn't even notice. But it doesn't seem like there's any. At least I hope so.

Just as I was finishing this sentence, I started to hear some noises. Some kind of clicking and clacking, and a few rings mixed in there. It sounded very loud as if there were tons of whatever that is making those kinds of noises. Seems like I've reached the new floor, let's see what noises are those.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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