13. ME

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anonymous asked:

"You claim to be so original but you too jumped on the bandwagon of girls who obsess over chokers, aa skirts and flannels who overuse words like "aesthetic" and use it out of context continuously and thats what the majority of your fans are into, originality is bringing something new to the table and your whole image hasn't nor has your pop, yes pop, music. This is honestly just helpful criticism...."

se7enteenblack answered:

"I dress how I like. I make the music I like. I act how I desire. I write honestly and I don't cater to anyone or anything. There are a lot of decisions I've made in music and in press and in things I agree to that I've made because they weren't ME. There's a lot of generic "pop" things I could have done and a lot of provocative and opinionated things I could have chosen not to say. At the end of the day I just do what I want. That's where the originality lies. In being myself. I bring something new to the table because I write honest provocative music with content that, no my friend, is not considered appropriate for pop radio. Top 40 generally doesn't embrace the subjects I write about. That's what I bring to the table. Me. That's all I'm trying to bring to the table. Me!"

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