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"Oikawa, i really dont think we should do this.." Atsumu said as he shifted his weight from his heel to the tip of his foot. 

" Oh come on Atsumu, what's the worst that could happen?" Oikawa raised his eyebrow at Atsumu's comment. 

" a lot of things actually....i mean first of all we've only had about 8 months of training, and there's no way in hell we could take on a case this complex. This is the head of the mafia for Gods sake" Atsumu glared at Oikawa from the bar he was standing behind.

Oikawa sighed " listen, i know this is a shot in the dark, but think about what would happen if we succeeded! we would finally get the respect we deserve." Oikawa paused " AND you could finally get back at him " he smirked

Atsumu was taken back at what the brunette had just implied, Oikawa always knew how to persuade Atsumu, it was one of his many talents. 

Atsumu looked up at the ceiling, if he succeeded in this, he could finally get out of this musty place they were living in now..

The old bar that was adorned with broken walls, old pop cans, and moldy wood. Although it was broken and worn down, it had been the place they had called home for 3 years now. It had a sense of comfort to it. 

He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh before locking eyes with Oikawa, who was slumped on the old leather couch they had. 

Atsumu shook his head before speaking "fine..." 

Although Atsumu really hated cases like this, the adrenaline he got whilst doing them wasn't easily unnoticed.

Even though Atsumu would never admit it, he was excited. He loved his job, and the sadist in him helped him figure that out ages ago.  But this case was completely different, and unlike the others he had been on, the success rate was dangerously low. 

Oikawa quickly turned his head, his eyes were sparkling 

" THANK YOU TSUMU!!!" he yelled before leaping towards him

He engulfed Atsumu in a tight bear hug while smiling

Atsumu flinched at the sudden contact before calming down

jeez, he really likes killing people.... Atsumu thought before awkwardly putting his hands around Oikawa's frame

Atsumu was never really great at psychical affection, he would much rather not have contact and just keep his feelings to himself. 

But Oikawa has helped him with that, thankfully

Oikawa quickly let go and gave Atsumu a toothy grin before sprinting towards him room, Atsumu guessed he was going to clean his knives, but who really knows. 

Atsumu couldn't help but think that maybe he made the wrong decision agreeing to this

but only time could tell ....




*'𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖚𝖕*'Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ