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Atsumu was freakishly good at his job, maybe all those years of playing shooting games with his brother when he was younger helped. Or maybe he was just born with the natural talent.

Atsumu was a hitman, people paid him to assassinate people, yes it was a dark job, but in his eyes it was a perfect way to spend his Sunday afternoon. 

While Oikawa worked with knives, Atsumu decided to be a sniper. 

He had good aim, good eyesight, and patience. Atsumu could wait at a building for hours just to get his target. 

His record was waiting in a fire escape for 6 hours just to get a messily low-ranked hacker who stole Robux from Oikawa's Roblox account

Was killing him necessary, no. But Oikawa wouldn't stop whining for one week straight, and Atsumu was getting fed up. So he sent a bullet right through his temple to bring Oikawa peace. 


Atsumu quickly woke up to the sound of a blood curdling scream coming from his kitchen. 

He practically jumped out of his bed and dashed towards the source of the noise. He wasn't ready to see what he saw when he entered.

Atsumu sighed when he saw the tub of cookies and cream Ice cream splattered on the floor along with a crying Oikawa standing next to it. 

Why did he scre- ah

He redirected his gaze towards Oikawas hand which had a knife sticking out of it- how in the world did he accomplish that. 

He shuffled over towards Oikawa before looking at him with a concerned face

" what happened?!" he said while frantically trying to stop the bleeding with the roll of paper towel. 

"I-I was trying to do a five minute craft hack where you" he paused for a second sniffling

" where you make ice cream cubes and- SHIT WHAT THE FUCK ATSUMU!!" Oikawa whaled out in pain as Atsumu quickly put his hand around the knife base and pulled it out ( ik your not supposed to do this but LMFAO 😭✋) 

Atsumu quickly applied pressure towards Oikawas palm before looking up at him with apologetic eyes. 

"im sorry kawa, but i needed to take it out to treat it" Atsumu tried to calm down the cursing brunette 

The blonde frantically grabbed more paper towel before grabbing Oikawas good hand and leading him towards they're bathroom.

Atsumu was welcomed to the cold bathroom tile as he ushered Oikawa to sit on the toilet seat. 

He heard faint sniffs coming from the direction of the toilet as he turned his body towards the medicine cabinet. 

Atsumu was good at bandaging wounds for the wrong reasons. 

He grabbed wound cleaning supplies as well as gauges and  wrapping material.  He sighed before kneeling in front of oikawa. 

" kawa, this is gonna hurt like shit ,alright?" Atsumu looked at Oikawa with a stern gaze and oikawa gulped. 

" i think i can hand- OW SON OF A BITCH!!" Atsumu grasped Oikawas wrist tighter to stop him from flailing around. 

" stay still please" Atsumu kept on a straight face as blood gushed out of his wound and onto the cotton ball atsumu had been holding.

after about 11 minutes, Oikawas hand had been dealt with.

A sudden wave of realization hit Atsumu..

He was going to have to go on the mission alone

I mean oikawa going was completely out of the question, his hand proved that easily.   

Now it was Atsumu's time to panic. 


lmk if you guys are liking this so far because it's really fun to write 🤠✋ ly💕💕


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