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[Still Ranboos point of view ]

Tubbo started gagging, yelping, and coughing in main. I sighed now looking down. "TOMMY! WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled grabbing Tommy trying to pry him off Tubbo.  Purpled had ran over to me too help, with Tubbo. "I don't feel anything, all I want is BLOOD!" Tommy yelled aiming an arrow  at me. I was to busy on Tubbo to know that he was there ready to hurt me.


I looked over to see Ranboo shutting his tightly, a small enderman noise came out of his mouth, probably due to stress. I looked towards Tommy he just stuck his tongue out at us. God I wanted to just wipe that smirk of his face. He winked making an L on his forehead. "Losers~" Tommy said to us. "YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I shouted. He fucking pushed my buttons. I shoved that laughing piece of shit to the ground. "That's enough Tommy!" I spat on the ground it almost hit his face.


I laughed kicking my legs up into the air jumping onto them. "Do you really wanna go there dick heads?!?" I asked/yelled at the males. Ranboo looked at me scared to death. "Tommy please just calm down.." Ranboo said. "I am calm, oh also might wanna go check on that bacon pig thing of yours~" I hissed at them.
I heard a loud scream come from the piglins room. I watched as Ranboo ran into Michaels room, scanning the area.
I let out a loud and cold chaotic laugh. Some of my teeth were now visible. "Oh what the fuck is so funny?" Purpled said coldly walking up to me. I looked over at Ranboo seeing him pull Micheal close to his chest. I smirked, "he's dead just like Tubbo will be~." "P-please I beg you please! Just please spare Tubbo!" Ranboo said on the break of crying. "Why~" I teased "is it because he's your 'Husband' Hmmm??" I said walking back over to Tubbo.
"They are my friends! And I will not let you kill them!" Purpled said, venom lashing his voice. "T-TOMMY PLEASE! TUBBO MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AND PURPLED! WE CAN'T LOSE HIM!" Ranboo said tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
"But I'm your friend as well" I said confused. "Haha yes, but you hurt Tubbo and that's far enough." Purpled hissed at me. "Maybe I should just kill him right here right now~" I laughed. "Tommy please! Please Tommy spare him!" Ranboo yelled.
Purpled had tackled me to the ground. "YOU WILL NOT KILL ANYONE!" He yelled punching my face multiple times. "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO! NO I FUCKING WONT! ILL KILL HIM" I yelled loudly having Tubbo Yelp in pain from the sound. "L-loud!" Tubbo screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK TOMMY!" Purpled yelled punching me again. "Not on my watch you won't" purpled said annoyed. "I mean look at Michael, he's about dead. You think I'm not gonna kill him?" I asked annoyed. "Ranboo.. I have potions in my bag.. HEAL THEM!" Purpled yelled.!
Ranboo has nodded grabbing the potions. "Whyy Tommy! Why did you do this! We were friends..!" Purpled said to me his voice cracking. I wasn't paying attention I had my arrow ready to stab purpled. I stabbed purpled on the side of this neck.I laughed watching the blood drip down.
Purpled jumped of Tommy. "GOD DAMN YOU!" He yelled at me. I laughed loudly. Ranboo had tossed purpled a healing potion. He then turned to face me. "Tommy stop! Please! You're hurting your friends! Your own friends to be exact!" I aimed my bow at Ranboos horns. "RANBOO LOOK OUT!" Purpled yelled.
I smirked, "please repeat that." The room was silent. I rolled my eyes "well????" The room was still silent. "I'm waitingggggg" I said getting inpatient.
I looked towards Ranboo seeing him stepping back, it seems his gaze was on something else. "NOW BITCH!" I yelled. Purpled looked at me then at Ranboo then back at me. "TOMMT JUST SHUT UP!" Ranboo yelled at me.
I felt a sharp pain in my body. "ARG FUCK HELLP" I yelled out. I looked up at them my eyes were normal, a pastel blue. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked confused.  Ranboo didn't say nor do anything. Purpled on the other hand questioned who I was. "T-Tommy?" "What??" I asked confused moving my hair out of my face. I was actually only pretending that I was being controlled. Right?
"Tommy you..?" Ranboo paused for a second. "I'm so confused" I stated. "Ranboo take Micheal and Tubbo upstairs to heal them, I'll take care of Tommy." Purpled said relaxing a bit. I shrugged, acting like I didn't know what was going on.
Ranboo nodded, he picked up both Micheal and Tubbo walking upstairs. He slowly closed the door when he got there to heal them. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I shouted. "Tommy you attacked Ranboo and Tubbo." Purpled said quietly. "WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR NECK!" I shouted.
"Huh?" Purpled responded. I laughed taking my sword out putting it to the others throat. "T-Tommy what are you d-doing" Purpled yelled. "Nothing" I stated.
Purpled started panting trying to not hurt himself. Purpled tried to grab the sword, to push it away. I laughed at how dumb he was trying to do that. I just pushed the sword more into the others neck. "T-TOMMY STOP!" Purpled cried out.
Ranboo walked back down stairs to see Tommys sword against Purpleds neck. He ran over to me trying to pull the sword away. I laughed looking at him struggle. "Dumb ass you can't do anything here~ You're weak and nothing more Ranboo~" I stated. "L-LET PURPLED G-GO!" He yelled at me. "Hmm no~" I smiled a devilish smile to be exact. "Y-you aren't T-Tommy" purpled said. "Oh I am purpled~" I said smiling, my eyes turning red.

Author note

OH MY GOD, TOMMY!?! I can't believe this! Pfft sorry-

𝑅𝑒𝑑 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑠Where stories live. Discover now