Chapter 1

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(Pretend her eyes are emerald green)

Hey my name is Ares, I know what you are thinking Ares is a boy name. Well my parents never gave me a name soo I'm called Ares by every one else. Currently I am running from the police because I tried to blow up my school. Ik that sounds really bad but I dropped out because everyone hated me except one kid but she died in and accident involving the Avengers. Ugh I can't stand them now. Let me explain my backstory.

I was found on my parents door step 16 years ago and there was no note no information no nothing. My parents hate me for some reason idk. I became a criminal for stealing at age ten and was in juvenile for a while. After that I was kidnapped by hydra who somehow enters a wolf soal in me so now I'm part wolf. There is when I discovered I could shape shift control elements make illusions and control more supernatural stuff. Yaaay (note sarcasm) now I'm most wanted for a lot. I never returned home and I never will.

I mean I never had a good parents to teach me right from wrong. A big sister to help me dress or a big brother to teach me to fight.

————-(time skip)——————————

Phew I just evaded the police. Now I'll just lay low for a while. I live in a closed off alley way so I can't be found. I have a make shift home with boxes and a tarp all around me. There is an old couch left here along with some other old furniture. I'm hoping the cops don't send the avengers after me because of the bombing thing. I can't believe they actually managed to capture Loki. He must of took a while to catch. I'm going to be honest I think Loki is a cool guy just really misunderstood. People don't understand me. To them I'm just a dangerous freak kid with abusive parents and freak wolf ears. Well night I'm going to bed.

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