Shouts and stomps

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In History/Civics we had a vote 

On the bill of rights

The question was

Do you think people should be allowed

 to have guns in public?

And in civics class when you hold a vote 

The east wall of the room is NO

And the west wall with all the cabinets is YES

There was a scramble 

A rush of bodies brushing

A rush of bodies moving 

In the wrong direction 

I ran to the east

Everybody else ran 


I paused 

There must be a mistake 

I was the only person standing on the east 

I looked to my left

I looked to my right

No one

I barely had any friends in that class

Just shy timid Amara 

And a handful of boys who didn't think letting

 a girl 

Hang out or talk wasn't 


But there was no mistake 

When I looked forward I saw 

20 pubescent bodies pressed together 

And Amara 

Poor Amara too shy too timid to say no 

When everyone else said


I guess because no one else

Was threatened

Waiting for their ice cream

At a Dairy Queen 

By a man yelling he would shoot all of us 

In the head

I felt that thing 

Slightly off centered in my chest

And my heart beating fast

The calm before the storm

The panic before the attack 

Because everybody was looking at


But the storm never came

The attack never happened

Because I heard a snicker 


Typical Iowa teen

Cowboy mother fucker



Trump supporter





And he turned his head to hide his face 

To whisper

About me 

Behind that  disgusting mullet of his

But his whisper wasn't quiet because

His snickering turned into laugher 

That raised his voice loud enough 

For me to hear him "whisper"


Another snicker


And another

Biden lover

He turned back 

Checking silently to see

If I heard him

Because he was too much of a pussy

To man up and say that to my face 

But he looked at me just long enough 

So I could flip him off

A silent fuck you

The teacher told Jack that we would not

Be allowed to talk about modern politics 

But he pretended not to see me and gave me 

A wink

When we left class

Fuck You Jack🖕

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