The gym

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Tommy had been pounding at the gym, pushing himself to his limits and getting those gains, he lifted he ran and everything in the in-between. Adam was averagely fit, he had some faint six pack abs and a nice v line, he had just walked into the gym and his eyes darted Tommy's way as soon as he parted eyes with him.
He was sweaty, layered with a manly musk amongst him, Adam wanted him so badly but that's something to dream about. Adam hopped onto a treadmill and ran about 8K, he felt Tommy looking at him so Adam sneakily looked at him through the side of his eyes.

Tommy had gotten of his treadmill and tapped Adam on his shoulder, Adam quickly looked at him, Tommy got a little startled. "Ay mate can you watch the bar for me?" Tommy wanted to do some lifting, Adam looked him up and down and stared at his huge sweaty bulge he soon realised what he was doing and instantly replied "ehh- yeah sure" "cheers mate" Tommy replied with. Tommy laid down on the bench sternly, Adam wishing that he was lying on his bed. He stood to one side of the bar and Tommy lifted like it was nothing to him, Adam admired Tommy as this was so sexy to him, sweat dripping down the side of his forehead and a plump red face from the amount he had pushed himself.

Tommy had had enough so he got up and took off his tank top quickly, Tommy had the body of a Greek god, his abs were so defined his pecs were huge and his arms were massive. He was covered In sweat, Adam couldn't take it. His cock started to go hard but he couldn't in front of Tommy so he sat down, "tired?" Tommy says "yeah just a little tired after sprinting on that treadmill" Adam said. "Well do you wanna come round mine? I want you to be my training partner? But that's if your up for it of course!" Tommy says, Adams mouth drops all he thinks about is sloppy sex in Tommy's bedroom he instantly said yes. Tommy was pleased, "I also have a little surprise for you back at my place as well" Adams heart dropped.

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