An Actual Thank You?

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The next day was the first day of the songwriting lockdown. Brad showed the guys the very few lines that he had written, but they seemed to like them. Tris suggested writing one about being bitter, and much to Brad's disdain, the others loved the idea. It slowly morphed into a theme of being bitter about being fobbed off, but coming back to the person anyway, because of how awesome they were (Connor was very good at explaining feelings, can you tell?).

Brad was getting the feeling that Tris had spoken to the others about their chat in the car regarding Luka. Why was he getting that feeling? Because they kept suggesting lyrics that explained one person as being super nice and sweet, and one person still being an asshole about them anyway, which seemed eerily familiar to what Tris had been hinting at. Plus they kept looking at him weirdly everytime Luka dropped off a new bowl of snacks and drinks.

They hashed out a rough melody as well, a similar kind of theme to their other song on the album, Chemicals. They knew their producer would have notes, and they also knew that tomorrow they would be changing things around, but by dinnertime they had a half decent song. Tris joked that he wanted to call it Bitter, but Brad tried to veto that idea.

He was outvoted.

They were called into the kitchen to grab dinner that Luka had made them, just like every night so far. Tonight was fajitas, which the guys readily accepted. She had also made them cinnamon rolls for pudding, which were absolutely divine. Even Brad nodded at her when he bit into them. He noticed her smile slightly.

They went back to the song after they were adequately stuffed, and Brad wasn't sure if it was because of their sugar high, but they all started suggesting sugary themed words to describe the sweet person in the song. Cinnamon, sugar, candy, honey, it all went in. It looked really odd on paper, but after a play around, it actually sounded pretty good with the music, providing a real juxtaposition to the lines about being bitter.

It was around 9pm when Luka came knocking, saying that they needed to go to bed, because they'd essentially done a 12 hour day and she was going to make them do another one tomorrow. As soon as she said this, the guys started yawning. They finally agreed, and Luka shooed them upstairs, reminding them of when she was going to wake them up.

Brad waited downstairs, and when she questioned him, he said he was gonna go up in a bit, and he just needed some time to himself. Which he did, in fairness. He felt like he'd exhausted a lot of energy songwriting and being around someone he still wasn't sure of. She didn't probe him any further, but he had the feeling that if they had a better relationship, she would have. He watched her walk up the stairs, then got his phone out, and made some plans.

Hours later

Luka groaned as a loud, irritating noise burst through her sleep. She slapped her arm on her bedside table, fumbling around for her phone, her eyes screwed shut. She instinctively tapped the button and held the ringing phone to her ear.

"It's Luka." She grumbled.

"Did I wake you up?" Came the male voice on the other end.

She pushed herself up in her bed, pulling the phone away and squinting at it with one eye closed, but still getting blinded as she looked at the time on it.

"It's 4 in the morning, of course you woke me up." She muttered as she brought the phone back to her ear.

"I know, sorry."

She scrunched her eyebrows together. She recognised that voice.

"Brad?" She asked, only to be met with silence. "Are you not in the house?" She heard him sigh.

"I went out." He said.

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and threw the duvet off her, stumbling to her chest of drawers and pulling out some socks and sweatpants.

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