Bit In The Ass

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Luka didn't go back to Brad's room that night. Brad didn't go to Luka's room. Both of them stayed in their own beds, switching between staring at the ceiling, staring at the walls, and tossing in the sheets, trying (and failing) to fall asleep.

At 5.30am, Luka gave up, heading downstairs to get started with her day. Brad heard her, but he didn't go down. He stayed in his bed until she started to knock on the guys' doors at 8am, to wake them up. His heart pounded as she got closer to his, giving only two, gentle knocks, before he heard her footsteps walking away. Then he finally got up to have a shower.

Luka trudged back down the stairs, desperately needing more coffee, but knowing that she was shortly going to be pushing her caffeine intake to the maximum, given she'd already had two cups and the day hadn't even properly started. If she carried this on, she'd probably have a heart attack from caffeine poisoning. So first, she decided to start on breakfast when she heard the knowing footsteps of the four boys starting to descend.

She had no idea what to do about last night. She didn't really know why she let him do it, or why she carried it on. It was not at all what she was expecting to happen. When she first met him, he was an asshole. Then he was only a little bit of an asshole when she picked him up in the middle of the night. Then he wasn't so much of an asshole. He was trying to be civil. Then they started sharing a bed, and he was nice. Fun. Genuine.
But she had been with Raina then.

After she broke up with Raina, and after the party, he changed again. Still nice and friendly, but she'd noticed more weird moments. Sitting in the front seat of the car, and going shy when she commented on his music choice. Sharing a bed, and how he hugged her a little bit tighter before falling asleep. Being protective, checking in on her more throughout the day. Waking up early with her so that they could have a coffee with just the two of them. Then at the bar it was just...she thought maybe he was being weird because he felt guilty about how he treated her at the beginning. Or being weird because they were trying to streamline an album release into three weeks. She never really thought that the weirdness was because he liked her.

What's more, she wasn't even sure how she felt. The kiss was ... amazing. But did she really like him like that? She hadn't given it much thought before, because she didn't instantly think of her employers like that. She'd been blindsided by the things he said, and blindsided by the kiss. That ...really good...kiss.

And now she had to spend the whole day with him.

Given how tired she was, she just made loads of toast, putting out different spreads for them to choose, instead focusing her energy on making more coffee for them to take to the set. Today they were filming the music video for their first release song, Married in Vegas, and they had to drive about 40 minutes to get there. She chose her biggest travel mug.

Brad wasn't the first person to appear in the kitchen, which she was kind of grateful for. James was first. He gave Luka a smile/grimace, considering the last time she spoke to him was last night when she shouted at them in the car. She just half smiled back and started handing out the breakfast. By the time Brad came in, the other three were already in the middle of eating, and Luka was trying to busy herself with the travel coffees for each of them. Tris commented on the fact she wasn't saying much this morning, and she just replied that she didn't sleep well. In her peripherals, she saw Brad shift in his seat.

She rubbed her stinging eyes before handing out the travel mugs, making sure to put Brad's on the counter in front of him instead of handing it directly to him. She could feel the looks that the guys were giving her behind her back as she headed to the front door, but she just didn't have the energy to confront it. They knew she had talked to Brad. Their rooms were across the hall, they had to have heard some of the shouting. But they didn't know what happened after the shouting stopped. And she wasn't sure she could explain it to them yet. From the frostiness between her and Brad, hopefully they would assume they're still fighting until she could explain it.

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