It Didn't Mean 'Nothing'

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Luka wasn't home when the guys got there. The car wasn't even in the driveway. Brad instantly asked Connor to text her, which he did, but there was no reply. He reminded Brad that she snapped at him that morning, and they hadn't spoken much over the day, so she probably wouldn't reply straight away. There was still no message even after they'd settled in the lounge to watch a film.

By the time they were starting to head to bed, Connor still hadn't had a response. Brad decided to stay downstairs while the others went up to their rooms. He needed to talk to her before tomorrow became a repeat of today.

It was almost two hours later before Brad heard the gravel crunch under tires in the driveway. He sat up straighter on the sofa, twisting his body to watch the door open. When she walked in, she didn't notice him straight away. Not until he stood up and cleared his throat.

"Jesus you fucking scared me." She gasped, her hand going to her chest. "Why are you still up? You have filming tomorrow." She said, kicking her shoes off and pulling her jacket off.

"I was waiting." Brad said as he walked over to her. "We need to talk."

She sighed, chucking her jacket on top of her shoes.

"It's late." She said, her hands on her hips.

"Like I said, I was waiting. Kind of expected you to be home a few hours ago. We need to talk, Luka." He repeated.

"I don't really want to. I stayed out because I needed some space." She replied as she turned and headed to the stairs.

"You haven't spoken to me all day!" Brad frowned back as he followed her. "That was space."

"No, Brad, it wasn't. Can't really have the space to think about you when you were there the whole time." She huffed.

"Well we can't be like this with each other! Come on-" He grabbed her arm so that she had to stop halfway up the stairs and turn around to face him.

"I need to go to sleep." She muttered.

"The guys feel awkward and want us to sort it out." He said. "Will you, please?"

She said nothing, just looked at him for a few seconds. Then she slowly turned to continue walking up the stairs, and headed to her room. Brad took that as an agreement, and followed her and quietly closed the door behind them.

She breathed deeply as they watched each other. Then she sat on the edge of the bed, and gestured for him to go on. He opened and closed his mouth as he thought of what he was supposed to say.

"I know I upset you." He finally said. She chewed her lip. "With the whole taxi thing."

"You acted horribly." She mumbled, and he almost missed it. He would have missed it if he hadn't been dead silent in the few seconds prior to her response. "Acting like I was a piece of shit in front of the guys. Usually I don't care, but I thought we were past you being an asshole, and I didn't appreciate it being in front of them."

"I didn't..." He breathed, running his hand over his mouth before continuing. "I was angry."

That made her look up at him.

"Angry about what? Me not talking to you?" She asked, seemingly very surprised at his admission.

"Of everything! being there but not being okay with me, for going off with Skyla all the time, not saying a word-"

"I'm not allowed to keep myself occupied? While you're recording? What, I've just got to stand there talking to you in between takes the whole time?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You and Skyla just seemed close. You were talking with her. That made me more angry, because after last night and us not talking about..."

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