Chapter 2: The Black's

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There was a sudden knock on the bedroom door as Sirius fell out of bed and sleepily mumbled, "Come on in."

On the other side of the door stood Sirius's younger brother Regulus. He stepped in the room facing Sirius trying so hard not to laugh.

"What do you want?" Sirius complained as his younger brother let out a laugh, "Haha, i know my hair is in a mess and i am on the floor, but seriously what do you want? Or did you think it would be funny to wake me up at half 5 in the morning?"

At this Regulus immediately stopped laughing as he said, "Mum, wanted me to tell you to get dress and go down stairs within the next five minutes."

"Bloody hell Reggie, doesn't mum know it's half 5 in the morning. Why are we all of a sudden getting ready?" Sirius moaned. Regulus half smiled and shrugged as he left the room only just being able to hear Sirius mutter, "Slimy snake."

Sirius made his way down to the kitchen as he made a move for a piece of toast. He looked around the kitchen wondering where everyone was. After all Reggie did say that his mother was waiting for him, but then a thought occurred to him. If they Reggie think it's funny to play this prank then he has got another thing coming. He took a bite out of his toast as Kreacter entered the room.

Walking with he head down Kreacter made his way to Sirius as he began to pour him a cup of orange juice while muttering, "Oh Kreacter lives to serve to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Kreacter mustn't let Master Sirius down for Kreacter-"

"Oh, shut up you little-" Interrupted Sirius as he tried to take a swing at Kreacter causing him to drop the mug as glass shattered everywhere.

"KREACTER!" Roared Sirius as he kicked kreacter towards the shattered glass, "Clean the mess up now you worthless-" 

Kreacter let out a small moan as a piece of shattered glass sliced through his foot as drops of crystal red blood formed a puddle under his foot. Sirius sighed as he gestured to Kreacter to hurry up and get the floor clean while grabbing another piece of toast.

A few minutes later Reglus enter the kitchen with a huge grin, that is until he saw Kreacter slumping in the corner trying to bandage his foot. Funning Regulus whipped out his wand and darted towards Sirius. Without realising Sirius was thrown against the wall as a red stream of light him him squarely in the chest. 

Regulus took a step back. To his horror he could see blood pouring out of his brother's head like an everlasting waterfall. He tried to make it seemed like nothing happened but it was to late. Turning his head he saw his mother and father standing in the doorway with a look of horror on their faces.

"REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK! HOW DARE YOU HURT YOUR OLDER BROTHER." Roared his mother as he father rushed towards is older son aid and began waving his wand over him muttering spells that he have never heard of.

"But, mum -" Argued Regulus before being interrupted by his mother.

"NO BUTS! GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW. I'LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" She said as a cruel smile appeared on his mother face. Knowing the it was useless to try and carry on arguing he reluctantly left the room as Sirius began to gather consciousness. He saw his mother in the cornor of his eye rush over to help his older brother up as he marched up the stairs.

"You are truly worthy of being called a member of the Ancient and Noble House of Black," Said his mother as she helped him to a chair before taking a seat for herself, "Although you seem to be avoiding a very important topic." His father took the seat next to his mother while sliding her a paper contract. His mother nodded at his father and took the paper as he handed it to Sirius on the opposite side of the table.

A weight dropped in Sirius's stomach. Of course he thought as the last words of his mother repeated themselves in his head, "you seem to be avoiding a very important topic." He gulped and looked down at the paper contract aa he scanned through it he saw his father and mother signatures and then the true reality of the problem engulf him. He slowly picked up his quill bring it to the paper and...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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