Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Please don't copy my work or I WILL report to Wattpad. These are my ideas and I've always wanted to write them down and create a book. Lets be friends and not backstabbers.... Ok? Good! Hope you enjoy!!

The wind whistles through the night, creating an eery yet exotic tune. A tune that travels through the air ominously, sending children running to their beds in fright. But as the song continues, a white light cascades around the city filled with bright lights, rushing cars and people strolling on sidewalks. Some stop to peer at the marvelous sight of a full moon and time seems to slow as heads turn to look at its beauty. As their eyes drink in the mother moon, their ability to hear is muffled as time seems to stand still  until all there's left is silence.

As the moon's glow stretches to the tight corners and small crevices of this large city, a black tinted building stands tall in it's path. But with an air of innocence, the light searches for a small opening in the large structure. Like a mother gently caressing her child, a small sliver of its beam discovers a tiny window cracked open and exposes the darkness inside. Nothing is disturbed within the small room as the light touches the concrete floor. Only the buzz of moniters and hardrives can be heard as the moons glow continues its search.

As it does, the light falls upon dainty hands and legs which are crouched over a miniature handheld device. The second source of light that eluminates the small dark room. Shadows cascade across the walls as the fingers move with lightning speed, barley making a sound. A wire is connected to a moniter and attached to the device while the file "Top Secret" is being downloaded. As the mysterious person waits for the file to be uploaded, the clouds shift in the sky allowing more rays of light to flood the room. When the glow reaches the silhouette, their head snaps up towards the window.

However, shadows conceal their identity due to the black hood covering their head. Minutes go by before the figure stands to close the window, not realising that in their haste the device tumbled, and clattered on the ground.

As the sound of an object hitting concrete echos throughout the room, seconds tick by and the area is once again filled with silence. The person stands frozen, contemplating their next move while listening for signs of activity in the halls that lead through a door on the other side of the room. A sigh escapes the figure before bending down to retrieve the device that had almost jeopordized their- Bang! "Who's there?"

The silence is sliced in half by a security guard with a gun raised and set to fire. The intruder freezes for a split second before silently picking up the device, only 5% left. "Listen, whoevers there come out with your hands on your head and know one will get hurt," the figure quietly snorts, just 3% left. The boots of the security guard echo throughout the space, like metal hitting glass he disturbs the once deaf silence. As the guard travels closer to where the intruder is crouched, escape plans are already flying through their brain. "I have been trained to use force if it's necessary, so we can do this the easy way or the hard way," the figure rolls their eyes, only 1% left. By now the guard had walkled halfway down the aisle of monitors and was approaching the last computer. "If you give yourself up now, I'm sure the authorities will let you off easy, but your gonna have too-" done!

Immediately, the figure grabbed the device and bolted for the small window, ignoring the threats of the guard stating how he was "going to shoot". However, with a small leap and somersault the person was out the window; and racing across the lawn before the guard could switch off the safety mechanism on his gun. As the moon's beams follow the tresspasser running to the back of the building, a loud noise pierced the night, followed by red flashes of light. Men in uniforms could be seen running down flights of stairs to reach the buildings back doors.

Shouts of "Close the gate!" were heard over the deafening sound of the alarm and men rushed to the control panel to press the button. Yet as the gate started to close, the intruder continued to sprint towards it without a fault in their step.

Suddenly, a rain of bullets were being fired at the silhouette, who started running in a zig-zag. All the while, the thunder of boots hitting asphalt rang through the large area and sparks flew from the ground as each bullet missed their target. With just a few paces left, the figure arrived at the gate and without halting jumped. The shadow of their person cascaded across the building and men's jaws dropped as they front flipped over the barb wired fence.

Landing in a crouch, the intruder sprang up and proceeded to race across an alley toward a narrow path between two large businesses. The sound of the alarm still rang and frustrated orders to open the gate faded as the figure ran through the path; while seeing glimpses of cars flying across a road ahead. Never stopping for a breath, the person finally escaped the shrill ringing noise of the alarm and sprinted across a lively intersection. Ignoring the blazing noise of car horns and wheels screeching on the asphalt, the figure continued to run.

When reaching the other side without a scratch, the person dashed down the dimly lit sidewalk before making a sharp left turn in another alley. Their silhouette halted, back against the wall and slowly peeked around the corner. Cars were rammed into each other and people on sidewalks were trying to navigate their way through the wreckage. Horns were hit profusely if one car got to close too another while angry drivers shouted at pedestrians for getting in their way. But, through all the chaos, the intruder's eyes zoned in on the guards searching through the scene cautiously, just like a predator searching for its prey. The only exception was that the supposed prey now had top secret files that were in other words, interesting.

Turning swiftly on their heel, the figure strolled further into the alley until stopping at a small gate. Slipping a hand into their jean pocket, they retrieved a small plastic card. After pressing it into a scanner the gate unlocked and the door swung open. With a leisurely gait, the silhouette of a person entered a dark parking lot and continued towards a battered black car. When reaching the drivers side, the person fell to their knees and shot out an arm which roamed underneath the car. Searching for the front axels they curved their hand to grab a set of keys which were strategically placed atop. Reclining back on the soles of their feet, they unlocked the door and stood up while arching their back like a cat. A groan of relief escaped the figure's mouth as the joints poppped before climbing into the car.

Rough worn leather squeaked as the silhouette sat down and jingled with the keys. With a little coaxing, the run down ignition roared to life and the figure pulled a device out of their hoodie. Staring at the bright screen reading "Top Secret"- how cliche- a hand reached up and pulled down the hood in exasperation. Scrolling through the file, their eyebrows furrowed in concentration before rising in surprise. Minutes go by, when suddenly the device was thrown into the passenger seat hazardously. The sound of the engines hum continued for a while until it was interrupted by a feminine voice,"So what I want too know is why the American Government is partnering up with the Venatores, just because of a threat against a celebrity named, Isaiah Thomson." The women slowly backed up. Switching gears to drive, she guided the car to the street where traffic was still backed up. But looking into the rear view mirror, piercing blue eyes met a smirking face, "Well this should be fun."

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