Chapter 3

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As the floor numbers flashed, time seemed to slow down and the descent to the lobby was taking forever in Isaiah's mind. Luckily, it gave him some time to think of the interview with 'Piggy-Sue' and the no-doubt persisted questions-pertaining to his involvement with the government.

Just like every magazine vulture, Isaiah knew she would prey on every weakness presented in his character, which is why Isaiah began to formulate answers within his vast mind; based on past Q&A's.

To say that's easy would be like saying a man, who is challenged to jump off a skyscraper, onto a trampoline and into a cardboard box is a piece of cake! And if that scenario was that plain, and the man is that stupid, he would die just from the drop alone. But with the right tools, the man can survive the drop and accomplish his task.

The challenge is simple, yet effective. Using something called wit, one can walk away breathing after using a parachute. Just like a mole escaping the dog, there's always a foot-hole in every situation; you just have to find it.

"Are you okay sir?"

Isaiah snapped his head towards his bodyguard, Alfred. His steel-diminutive eyes held concern and his face was twisted into a frown. Since the beginning of his-the band's- career, their manager, Scott, decided to hire security; and Alfred was one of the first applicant's chosen to be his bodyguard.

Of course, Isaiah was immediately against the idea of someone protecting him- as he could and can take care of himself thank you very much! But eventually his band mate's, manager and mother convinced him that getting mobbed and murdered wasn't exactly the way to go.

Truth be told though, his mother was definitely the one to convince him; and he learned to run for high hills next time, should he be on the receiving end of Ms. Evans' cold rage!

After that, meeting Alfred was like meeting Mount Kilimanjaro- minus the volcanoes. The celebrity could think of nothing, but the possibility that this mountainous tree-man could beat the World Record of "Biggest Man Alive"- if that was even a thing.

His bodyguard was over six and a half feet; and had biceps bigger than boulders. His descent was of African culture, which he proudly spoke of, and often during their charity trips to Uganda. The piercing brown eyes that told of Alfred's hard life story, his square yet strong-set jaw which was always clean-shaven, not a hair missing on his perfectly bald head and a thin scar that ran from the corner of his right eye down to his lips, portrayed the perfect image of a stone-cold bodyguard. Anyone otherwise though, would already know that on the inside he was just a big teddy bear.

When Isaiah first met Alfred in a meeting, the burly man walked menacingly-at least that's how Isaiah perceived it-to engulf the celebrity in a friendly hug, only to have said celebrity punch him in the gut. Hard. To say Isaiah was embarrassed was nothing compared to the guilt he felt. Apologizing profusely, Isaiah rambled on about how the bodyguard just 'surprised' him and expected Alfred to either blow a fuse or demand to see a lawyer. But instead, he just smiled and with a twinkle in his eye, forgave him.

As shocked as he was, Isaiah knew that Alfred was the security guard for him-not caring how cliche that sounded. The mountain-built man agreed and everyone could see the enthusiasm leaking from his pores as he asked for his first task.

Since then, Alfred had been there for Isaiah three years as more than a bodyguard, but a friend, and helped him through many trials. And, if his sneaky UFC fighter got revenge for the punch, as well as other things by pranking Isaiah; well who's to say he didn't deserve it.

A hand engulfed Isaiah's shoulder, "You alright there Izzy?"

Isaiah sighed for the umpteenth time that morning, "Yeah I'm fine. Just been having a stressful morning." Alfred angled his body more towards him and continued to analyze him. Giving a slight shake of his head, Alfred scoffed, "Well I'll definitely believe that when pigs fly, but I get what your saying." Isaiah opened his mouth, a snarky comment ready to roll off his tongue-"Just take a deep breath and push on. Thats all we can do in this crappy life. Let me know if there's anything you need, Twinkle Toes."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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