Chapter 14

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Jungkook cannot focus at all. He thought having Taehyng here would help him get ten time the work done much faster which it did on Taehyung part. As for Jungkook he really wasn't in the mood to do anything at the moment. His mind was racing with million of questions about yoongi and who he is or more importantly what he is.. Jungkook continue to angrily glare down at his paper. He needed to talk to yoongi and quick.

"Are you done?" Jungkook looked up to see Taehyung looking back at him from his phone the older was currently scrolling through Instagram.

"What?" Jungkook ask confusion clearly written all over his face.

"Are you finished with the homework so we can continue?" Jungkook opened his mouth then closed it. He was so focused on what to do about yoongi he totally forgot about the pile of work.

"I" The statement came more out as a question. Taehyung let out a sigh before standing from his seat at the dinning room table. Walking around the table to where Jungkook sat the older leaned forward. So that now his face was leveled with Jungkook. One of his hands sat on the back of the younger chair while the older reached over to take the pencil from jungkook hand.

"Let me see what I can do."Taehyung spoke out. "So first you need to identify what the number is. These types of equations don't just flat out tell you you need to figure it out on your own. Then you...."

Jungkook zoned Taehyung out mid way. On top of everything the younger has to deal with right now you would think Taehyung being really close that jungkook could smell the type of cologne he was where would be the last thought on his mind.

Jungkook couldn't help but to notice how the older had such detailed features about him from his strong jawline to his eyes which where sharp and calculating. Jungkook also noticed the way the older licked his lips mid sentence and drawn his eyebrows closely together while answering the question. If the younger was to look even closer he could see two moles on Taehyung face, one under his eye, nose, and his cheek. The bottom line to all this was that Taehyung was handsome and that something that jungkook doesn't mind saying.

"You understand it now.?" Taehyung said turning his head to face the younger. Jungkooks eye widened he didn't notice hoe close he hed gotten to the older while examining his face. Both of their noses where practically touching with their lips almost inches away.

Jungkook face flushes a bright red this is the second time him and Taehyung has ever been this close to one another. Jungkook could practically hear his hart beating in his ears and see as Taehyung chest lightly when up and down with every breath he took. Jungkook mind was racing with to many thoughts and he didn't know how to stop it.

Taehyung on the other hand was indeed shocked when he came face to face with the younger like this. He would have thought jungkook had already lean away the moment the older bent down to his level to talk. Taehyung eyes traveled over the younger face.

Finding the bright read blush that painted the younger face to be really cute. Jungkook wide and surprise eyes reminded him of a deer caught in headlights. Everything that jungkook did in the older eyes was cute.

Slowly Taehyung opens his mouth to say something yet nothing comes out. He just sit there quietly with his mouth slightly open while looking into Jungkook eyes. Suddenly Taehyung is reminded of him. His Jungkook. The older had been so focus on everything else going on with this jungkook to school he never really had time to go out and search for the other.

The more the older looked at this Jungkook the more he is reminded of him. Taehyung eyes soon made contact with the younger lips. He could help but to examine how jungkooks bottom lip was full while his upper one was small and thin but none the lest it fitted him and made jungkook look the much more cuter.

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