"August 30th"

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The weather was hot and the wind whistled through the trees, I was sitting outside playing my drums when all the sudden, I heard my brother exploding things from the dining room. I ran into the house to see what the commotion was about, when I saw an owl holding a letter, sitting on my brothers head. "It's for you Ivy"  my brother Axel stated handing me the letter.

                                                                            'Ms. I. Whitmore

                                                           The room with the curved window

                                                                           Sugarland drive

I couldn't believe my eyes, I hoped I would get it soon though. My name is Ivy Whitmore and I'm a half blood witch. I was born to a wizard father and a muggle mother. My mother was a rock star and she met my dad at one of her concerts, they soon fell in love and had my older brother Axel in the summer of 1970 and had me in the spring of 1973. We soon moved to Ireland when I turned one and my parents became friends with our neighbors the Sallows, they add a daughter my age (one at the time) named Ivana we too soon became friends. Every year you can see the Sallows and Whitmore's play quidditch and celebrating.  I soon got out of my thoughts when I heard a scream, before I new it Ivana was at my door. " Ivy, I'm going to Hogwarts!!" "Same" I stated and her hair turned pink from embarrassment. (See Ivana has very rare hair it changes with what mood she is in) "Well I got to go pack see you tomorrow at Diagon Alley." 

"Ivy will you please pass the potatoes" my mum asks while we are at the table eating dinner, and I pass her the bowl. "Anything exciting happen today honey" My dad asks "Ivy got her Hogwarts letter" Axel states before I could. "Honey that's great!" mum and dad say. After dinner I head off to my room, packing up my luggage and my instruments for September 1st.

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