"August 31"

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"Ivy, Axel get up we got to go" my mother and father yell. I shoot up from my bed, change into my bell bottom jeans with red, blue, yellow, and green bandanas sewn into them, A blue tank top and my hair down with a red bandana, also my deathly hallows necklace. I went down stairs, dad grabs me gives me a hug and hands  me some floo powder. "Diagon Alley" I say and green smoke engulfs me.  I landed with a thud in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour but, soon walked out onto the the commotion of Diagon alley. "Ivy go get your books and wand" my mother states in a wild manner that's how I know she was looking for me. "I'm going to go to the ministry" My father stated then kissed my mum and apparated away. "Axel go meet up with the Weasleys' and get your supplies. Ivy I'll go get you a pet" my mother states and starts mumbling which was my cue to slowly back up and run. I met Ivana at Florish and  Blotts and we slowly opened the door and entered. "Ivy I want quidditch through the ages" Ivana said happily "I'll help you find it but then, we need our actual books for Hogwarts". We searched for quidditch through the ages for about 15 minutes when Ivana finally gave up. "come on we need books for Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms anyway" I say while guiding her to the nearest bookshelf .I decided  to look for 'Advanced guide to potion making' I spun around and around trying to find it, when all the sudden I spotted A familiar dark blue book with golden spots around the spine of it. I stuck my hand out to grab the book but, the book went forward and my hand went with it. I waved at the person before me "HI" I practically scream. "Ivy what happened" Ivana came running to me. just than a blonde head of hair went through the bookshelf.  

"Is everything okay back here" the blonde boy states in a deep calm voice "No, I'm not okay I'm looking for a korengian knicklebocker I can't find it anywhere it's for Xenophilious Lovegood" My eyes go wide with wonder as I look up "I really want a korengian knicklebocker" just than the blonde headed kid took his head out of the bookshelf and went around. "Well your not going to find that here" He says and stuck out his hand. All the sudden Ivana pushes passed me to shake his hand. "Hi, I'm Ivana Sallow" she says happily I think to make a new friend "Mark  Wailer" the blonde boy states In his deep calm voice.

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