Train to Hogwarts....Again (January First)

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"IVY! AXEL!! BREAKFAST!!" Mum hollered, I ran down the stairs to make it to the table first. "I'm so excited!!" I shout in a high pitched voice and mum was smiling as she scooped eggs onto plates.
"UGH!.." Axel stated as he was walking down the stairs and almost missed one. "I'm so tired!" He said in a yawn. "Oh! Why Honey?!" Mum questioned "The Quidditch game wore me out!" Axel answered and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Morning Guy!" Dad said and gave us each a hug and kissed mum on the forehead. The home phone suddenly rang (it almost never rang, only for mum's friends)
"Hello?" Dad answered "Yeah this is Cielo."... "Jury Duty?" Dad questioned and Mum clamped her hand over he mouth to maintain laughter. Dad put the phone back on it's stand. "What's Jury Duty?" He asked Mum.

After Mum explain to Dad what Jury Duty was.
She explained to Axel and I, that she would be driving us to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.
Axel and I went to get our small luggage, I also grabbed my satchel.

"Ivy, Axel, Make sure to write me." Mum said as we ran through the barrier that separated the Wizarding World from the Muggle world. Once we were on the other side of the barrier, we each went our separate ways. I went to give my small luggage to a man that worked on the Hogwarts Express, and he put it with the other luggage. I swung my satchel around my waist and went to get on the express.
"IVY! WAIT!" Ivana shouted as she ran to me
"Ivana! Hey!" I say and we hug each other.
"I'm so pumped!" She shouted and slammed her fist to her other hand.
Ivana and I made our way on the train, Studying every detail we may have missed before. We went to the trolly that was close by, and got some sweets.
The train suddenly let out a loud shriek. We walked around the Express, We chatted even though we saw each other on holiday. I spotted a boy wear a green jumper and platinum blonde hair.
"MARK!" I say creepily and tapped my fingers together like a movie villain.

"Hey, Jake." Ivana said "Moron." she stated and playfully punched my shoulder. She was referring to the villainous Behavior I did a minute ago.

"So!" I yell and flopped down in the seat of the compartment.
"What did you guys do in New York?" I questioned,
"Oh Yeah!" Mark yelled, interrupting Jake from speaking his review. Mark hopped up and Yanked a, radio? Out of the shelf above the seats.
"I got a radio that plays music from the future!" He said and turned the dials.
"Oh well, That's good for you." Ivana said Rudely. A shriek from the radio echoes through the compartment. then the radio started playing:

Well good for you
You look happy and healthy
Not me
If you ever cared to ask

"I love this song!" Mark yelled through, the high-volume music. He reached to turn the volume down.
"Oh my God!" I yelled shaking with excitement. "I freaking love it!"

"That was so ironic!" I shout enthusiastically, Ivana rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"So, you told us about the Radio. Tell us about your visit. What was America like?" I say super excited to hear about a land I have never experienced....(Yet)
"Well, we did meet this man on the streets of New York! He was strange and made a frog Fly!" Mark stated happily, remembering the moment. "Than Christmas was amazing! Jake got a book with professional sheet music, a camera, and some other stuff. I got a well...pen, a new violin, and I think I got like three other things but that was the main thing. We played music on the streets of New York! It was so fun! I wish y'all could've been there!"
Mark stated then smiled, and it was a true smile. Ivana was silently mumbling to herself saying things such as: 'Stop Bragging' and 'We get it.' Her hair was turning black, she suddenly got up and exited the compartment.
"Sorry about her she Be right back!" I say awkwardly and leave the compartment as well. "Ivana! What is with you!?" I questioned as she walked down the aisles.
"Mark is such,..he..he.. is SO RICH!" she stated flustered, (sure our families weren't broke but we sure weren't rich either)
"He's always bragging about his rich life! What if our worlds were switched!? Would he DISLIKE the way I treat him?! You bet HE WOULD!? Ivana was spitting and sputtering,

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