where it begins

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It was about 6 am when coach ukai Wakes everybody up, everyone struggles to get up. Noya opens the curtains that makes everyone wide awake except yamaguchi, hinata, and kageyama .

When daichi wake up the three (well tried *cough cough* yamaguchi) he spots something unusual, when he got to the too 'lovebirds' room. He only saw hinata in the bed, so daichi thought ' Kageyama must be in the bathroom or with the others, but I didn't see him in my way here?'. As he walks up to the bed and wakes up hinata.

Hinata POV

I woke up to see daichi looking at me " hey daichi-san" I said and yawned. " morning, have you seen kageyama? " he look at me with concerned look on his face, before I could speak I felt something moving in my and kageyama's bed. I remove the blankets and then revealed


There right there a sleeping baby, I jumped a little will daichi had a surprised look. "Whos that!?!?" Daichi said tried to stay quiet , but looking at the baby closely, he kinda looked like kageyama-kun.

I moved up the bed while I picked up little kageyama, he was covered in oversized clothes that look like tobio -kun clothes he wore last night. " he look soooooooooooo cuuuutteee!!😍" I squealed, " he is cute and chubby " daichi chuckled a little. " what are we going to do with him? ", "i don't know, well we have to go practice now so find him some clothes that will fit him a little and go down to the court and well see what happens next with coach" daichi said and I nodded

"don't be long now" daichi left the room.

"well I guess I have to wake you up", I nudged little Kageyama gently not ruff, after a couple nudges he wakes up rubing his eyes ' ahhhhhhh he's so cute!!!' Hinata thought, " hbanta " Kageyama struggle to speak ' ah so cute ' by looking at little tobio he looked about 1 years old and it was cute he was so chubby

"well I guess I have to wake you up", I nudged little Kageyama gently not ruff, after a couple nudges he wakes up rubing his eyes ' ahhhhhhh he's so cute!!!' Hinata thought, " hbanta " Kageyama struggle to speak ' ah so cute ' by looking at little...

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                          Here is baby sleeping while hinata took
                                          ( credit go to the artists)

" well tobio I have to get you change, I guess you have to were my clothes for now".


After getting little tobio change, he was wearing a oversized top that is tied at the bottom and hinata underwear.

They headed down to the court were everyone was. Hinata open the door and everyone look at hinata in confusion. " hey hinata what's I see your shirt? " suga said " oh.... umm... well... " he stuttered while looking at daichi, he nodded. Hinata lift his shirt to reveal baby tobio " well you see we have a little problem, you se-" as he was about to finish his sentence suga said " OMG he's all cute who is he, why does he look like tobio but small and chubby!?!" , " that is kageyama". Daichi said, " whaaattttt!! " both tanaka and noya said at the same time " HA! The king is a baby" the salty tsukkushim said " tsukki!! " yamaguchi said.

While everyone was trying to look at baby kageyama , tobio woke up and got scared and hugged hinata tightly, " oh sorry Kageyama we didn't want to scare you" asahi said "he soo cute still" suga said  as he puts his and out to hold tobio "can I hold him", hinata nodded true to get suga to hold kageyama but Kageyama wouldn't let go. " awww tobio your to cute" as suga stokes his hair "i guess I would wait till he's ready" he laughs.


To be continued

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