Chapter Thirteen: Problems

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 I was being slapped across the face when I awoke. I couldn't remember why I was being slapped or why I was laying on the floor either. The person slapped me again and decided that I had enough of being slapped.

With my eyes closed, I figured out my surroundings. As far as I could tell, there were only two people near me and I didn't have any restraints. A person was pacing to my left, and the hand that slapped me always slapped my left cheek, which implied the person was kneeling on my right. My left hand was still in my secret pocket gripping my knife, and I could easily clunch my right hand. I formed a simple plan.

I punched whoever was slapping me square in the jaw, and I heard an audible oof. Then I rolled into whoever was pacing, knocking that person over. I finally opened my eyes and pulled out my dagger. I jumped and landed on one knee in between both of the people. I press the knife into the throat of the person I'd knocked over when I had rolled. With surprise, the people I'd just taken down were two boys; Correction, I'd just attacked two princes.

I'd punched Rowan in the face and was now holding a knife to Markus's throat. I stayed where I was, staring at the boys, studded, and the boys both looked at me equally stunned. That when I noticed my right arm was dripping blood and my sleeve of the dress had been cut through showing my scars.

I stood up quickly and backed away from the boys. The boys were just starting to get up when I slipped on a piece of fabric that was lying on the ground. I landed on my back and felt the cold tile of the floor against the middle of my back. The fabric I tripped on was my corset which was now sliced in two by my feet.

The boys started slowly walking towards me, but I grabbed the corset and scuttled away from them. But soon I'd backed myself against a wall and the boys surrounded me.

"Get away from me, trust me. You would do better if you left me here, and forget about what you saw." I warned them, and then I curled into a ball, my arms wrapped knees.

Don't think about the scars. Don't think about him. Breath. I shook my head shaking and rocking back and forth. Shaking, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up. Markus' concerned eyes meet mine.

"We aren't leaving you alone. At least until you start acting like yourself again." Markus smiled a sad smile at me.

"Go away." I tried to force my words to sound threatening but even to me, it sounded timid. I shrugged off his hand and turned away from them.

I felt another hand on my shoulder and when I looked up, I got punched in the face. I, of course, punched Rowan back and hit him square in the face. He stumbled back from the force of the punch but he was smiling as blood streamed from his nose.

"Now, that's the Cora I know." He walked towards me and offered me a hand, which I took. "What's the plan?"

What is the plan? Killing the King would make me feel a lot better but my mother would never approve of that. Mother has her announcements to make and I can't miss it.

"Ok, so here the plan. Rowan, head back to where your family is and tell my mother to be ready for her announcement. She can start as soon as I come into the room. Now, go" I shooed him away with my hands. "Markus, go find a servant and tell them to get you a needle and thread, a mirror, and to find Elizabeth, my maid."

Markus walked briskly away to find a maid. I took a deep breath and looked down at my arm. A jagged deep cut went from the inside of my right elbow to the middle of my arm. How in the world did I get this cut? This deep of a cut will need stitches.

I felt the open hole in my dress with my left hand and felt a tiny cut on my skin. The dress was cut about two inches and should be easy to mend. Markus came around the corner with the supplies I needed, and I sat straighter as he sat down next to me.

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