Chapter Thirty: The Girl Time That I didn't want

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The four of us sat together talking in that window seat for the next few hours; Violet sat on Rowan's lap and Markus made me sit on his lap saying we still had to pretend to be a couple since his sister could see us at any time.After I became very tired, Markus let me rest my head on his shoulder so I could sleep. I was awoken an hour later by Felix making an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we will be separating for a little bit. Gentlemen will come with me to the garden to smoke, and Ladies will go with my lovely wife to the parlor for tea."

Men started to escort women up the stairs and to the parlor, Markus escorted me up while Rowan escorted Violet. We arrived at the doors of the parlor where the men left the women, and the women entered the parlor. Rowan gave Violet a kiss on top of her head and she walked away with her head held proudly. I, on the other hand, complained to both boys about having to go.

"Why do I have to?"

"Yes. You're a princess and this is what princesses do," Markus said as he shoved me through the door.

The parlor was a room I tried to avoid normally, but now I was stuck in here until I could sneak away. The parlor had several small windows that right now showed the night sky, and the room was filled with cushioned couches, tons of paintings of dead "important people". Plus on one wall was a large fireplace that made the whole room smell smokey.

I stumbled to a single chair in a corner that was shrouded in shadows. I took a seat and scanned the room for an alternate exit I could quietly slip through. I spotted a large curtain that clearly in my mind hid a secret door, and was about to get up when three teen girls approached me.

"So you're dating Prince Markus, ginger. How interesting?" Sophia said as she stepped closer.

"How lovely it is to see you again, Sophia. Who are these other young girls?" I asked sweetly.

"This is Duchess Brooke of Fanwair," Sophia pointed to the girl with raven hair and pale skin who was scowling at me; then pointed to the girl with blonde hair who smiled evilly at me. "and this is Duchesses Penny of Ploshor."

Great, I wonder on a scale from wanting to kill me to making me mad how evil these two girls were, I thought cheerfully to myself.

"You are dating Prince Markus, correct?" Sophia asked again. She had got me, I couldn't say no and have Kathrine find out, so I just cursed inwardly as I smiled on the outside.

"Why yes. Isn't he dreamy?" I cooed.

"Well, I kissed him earlier and just wanted to let you know." The girl named Brooke said in a gravelly voice.

"The same line you used on Violet earlier, so something originally. Next time be creative." I rolled my eyes at them and waited for them to try to bait me again.

"Well, um, Prince Markus, um," Brooke stuttered. "Prince Markus invited me to visit him in his room after the ball." She looked so proud of herself for making up that lie that I almost felt bad about making fun of her. Almost.

"Well have fun with him then, because his room has such a gorgeous view of the garden. I wish you a happy few weeks together before he breaks your heart. I really do, but keep in mind he will always return to me." I stood up and brushed past them. I put my hand on the wall to steady myself as I started to walk towards the secret door. "Now if you excuse me, I am retiring early."

I walked to the curtain which hid the door and leaned against the wall next to it. My gaze drifted around the room making sure no one was looking at me, and when I was sure, I slipped behind the curtain. I spotted a glass doorknob sticking out of the door and I turned it.

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