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-TW: Mentions Physical Abuse/ Goes deep into the aspect of emotional abuse-
-October, 17 2020-
                                                            (POV: Todoroki)
I walked into the meeting room with a spiky red haired man by my side. In the room was Jirou, Kaminari, and Iida.

"Hello, I have called this meeting to introduce our newest staff member. Please tell them your name."

"Hey nice to meet you guys. You can call me Kirishima, or whatever you want. I don't mind nicknames!"

Everyone had a smile on their face seeing him. He had a bright and cheery personality, joy radiating off his every word. He is quite the opposite of me. I don't like expressing myself. It's better to keep your feelings to yourself so no one can find out your weaknesses, that's how I was raised. My eyes are dulled looking as if there's no life in them, while his are glowing at the sight of his new coworkers. He acts a lot like Kaminari when I first met him. I look over to the lightening haired blonde and see his eyes also having the same glow as Kirishimas. That was a good thing since the two would be working together. All of us were exchanging glances to see our reactions to the energetic red head through a peaceful silence. They all looked happy to see him, but my face stayed the same. Yes, I thought this man was trustworthy but I'm still not opening up to anyone. That is not necessary as I will be the next king.

"As for you Jirou, you will no longer be a part of the staff and Kirishima will be taking your spot."

"What do you mean? Am I being fired?"

Jirou said sadness taking over her features. She loved working there and she would have no where to go if she had to leave.

"I see, it seems you all haven't heard the news, I am having an arranged marriage with Princess Yaomomo of the Creation Kingdom. Our wedding will be held on December 25, 2020 on Christmas Day, which is exactly 2 months and 8 days or, 69 days from now. The Princess will be arriving at the castle tomorrow somewhere between noon and sunset. I need Jirou to become her personal assistant during her stay. Which is why I needed a new staff member hired. Since Jirou and Ms.Yaomomo are of the same gender, I thought they would have a better time getting along and make her visit more comfortable. This information is not to be released to public, So no one shall know about this. Do you understand?"

The whole group nodded their heads while they sighed in relief. They most likely thought this was going to be a pleasant point in my life. They all knew about my emotionally abusive father, but can not do anything about it since he is king. They think that if I get a marriage I'll automatically be happy again and forget all my past experiences, but that isn't the case at all. My childhood memories are always playing on loop through my head, and it's basically re-living hell. If anything this will take an even worse toll on me. With a woman in my life, I'll be forced into becoming a father and everyone knows it will end up horribly and I'll turn into someone like my mother. Everyone knows the phrase "the abused becomes the abuser." I would never want to hurt my children, but I have this constant fear that I'll break under the pressure like my mother who caused this unattractive scar on my face. What if I turn out like my father? I wouldn't want to hurt my own wife but his blood is running through my veins, I don't want to hurt anybody but there's so many possibilities of the worst happening. I try and shake these thoughts out of my head.

"I'm glad you understand, I want you 3 to get to know Kirishima a little more. I'll be on my way, and Jirou please move your necessities into the bedroom next to the one Ms.Yaomomo will be staying in. Iida, Clean out the guest bedroom on floor 1 for as that is the one the Princess will be staying in. Kaminari, Show Kirishima to his new bedroom and tour him around the castle. I have something to take care of but I will come to check in on you later today. Goodbye."

I walked out of the meeting room heading downstairs to the main doors of the castle. No later than a minute after my father entered with an evil smile on his face.

"Hello father, Welcome back home. How did everything go with Princess Yaomomo?"

"It went great, She has a great body type and is very pretty looking. She would be a perfect match for you."

I was disgusted by how my father described her. Looks don't matter as much, their personality is also a very important aspect. I know nothing about this Princess, but I have heard she is quite different then most people have imagined. I'm not sure if that statement is supposed to be taken badly, but I sure thought it was. Most royals I've met are nice to the public but are completely arrogant and bratty to the people they know. I'm afraid that's how my future wife will be like.

"I'm sure we would get along great."

I'm used to lying just so others could hear what they wanted to. My bastard of a father walked away not even looking my way. It's always meetings that he has to go to. He never has time for me. Most people would think "He abused you, why would you want to spend time with him?" I don't know why, my heart longs for any type of love from my family members. Even though he hurt me, I still can't hate him. Deep down I know he doesn't deserve to be called my father, but unfortunately I haven't dug deep enough yet. I haven't checked in on my mom in a while so I walked over to her room. I wish I didn't because just by looking at my mother my heart ached. She looked miserable, scars littering her body. Her lifeless eyes looked into mine, her lips quivered. My mother was physically and mentally abused by my father, which drove her to her breaking point which is why she started to go insane. My expression stayed the same even though I was miserable on the inside. My mother could tell I was sad even if my face didn't show it.

"No need to be so sad Shoto, Isn't your wedding soon? I know your worried, your a lot like me before the whole insane problem, haha. The girls mother used to be friends with me when I was younger. She was the nicest person I ever met. She was certainly different too. Her dream was to change the beauty standard so that everyone could live freely without being judged. It's a little ironic isn't it? She wanted everyone to be free while I'm sitting here chained to my bed post. We used to secretly date in Highschool, until I was forced into hiding and had to loose contact with her without even saying goodbye. She moved on and found the man of her dreams, I'm happy for her. I'm sure her daughter is a lot like her. After I became Queen she sent me a letter wishing me the best. I never got a chance to write to her back. Every kingdom thinks I'm no longer alive so I think she would be surprised if I replied back anyway."

I was shocked by the story she told me, but before I could reply a timer went off indicating I could no longer speak to her for my "mental safety". I though it was a bullshit rule, but I have no choice but to follow.

"I'm sorry I have to leave, I'll try and visit you soon."

"Okay, see if you can, get along with the Princess. I'm sure she's nice."

"I will"

-I had to rewrite this since it didn't save-
-My tiktok is @1zukum1d0riya-
-Published: May 23, 6:09 PM-
-1379 words-

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