puppy's or not (2)

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Jay🐶: Adam you wanna come with me to get a puppy right?


Jay🐶: Alright I'll pick you up with 2 hours

Adam😆: Yayyy

Jay🐶: No it's Jay


Jay🐶: HaHa sorry man I had to🤣

Adam😆: I'm really dissapointed in you Jay

Jay🐶: You don't wanna come?

Adam😆: Sorry I will

Jay🐶: That's what I thought

Voight😍: You're sure you take Adam Jay?

Jay🐶: Na but he asked first

Hailey🙃: And I'm sick☹

Kim🥰: You are?

Hailey🙃: Yes and Jay said that I'm not allowed to leave the house

Jay🐶: He I didn't said that

Hailey🙃: you did😑

Jay🐶: Maybe I did, but not with that words

Kevin😁: So hailey you're sick huh?

Hailey🙃: Yes why?

Kevin😁: so that means that you need to sleep huh?

Hailey🙃: Shut up

Voight😍: Hailey what do you have?

Hailey🙃: I got a fever

Jay🐶: Yeah and now go to bed Hails

Hailey🙃: Yes sir😊

Jay🐶: Good

Voight😍: Alright Jay Adam get your ass over to that puppy and bring it over here

Adam😆: Yes Sir!

Kevin😁: Now Voight's mad on you

Adam😆: Why should be be mad on me?

Hailey🙃: Because I don't know, I just liked to say that

Jay🐶: Hailey, I said go to bed.

Hailey🙃: I am lying in bed!

Jay🐶: Alright! Adam I'll be there in 30 minutes so get ready

Adam😆: Yes Sir

Jay🐶: Bruh

Kim🥰: Adam, stop saying Sir

Kevin😁: It's annoying

Adam😆: You are annoying

Voight😍: Adam. Get. Ready. For. Picking. Up. That. Doggo!

Hailey🙃: Kim what do you think now?

Kim🥰: I think Voight loves puppy's and is a softy when it comes to puppy's and Adam is a stupid person who is lazy as hell

Hailey🙃: Mhm

Jay🐶: And I am the bestest person here so I may have a dog

Kim🥰: And Jay thinks too well of himself

Kevin😁: And I??

Hailey🙃: You are annoying with random things

Kevin😁: Thanks

Jay🐶: And what about both of you?!

Hailey🙃: Kim is perfect

Kim🥰: Hailey is perfect too

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