Chapter 6

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"You'll pay for this!"

"Empty threats coming from a dead man, don't scare me Kevin" I tell him

"I'm not dead yet!"

"Soon enough, you will be" I tell him getting the last word as he was dragged out of the hallway that was filled with his echos.

"Bring me my mate! We have a lot to discuss" I order to one of the guards, that was left.

Chapter 6

A watch pot never boils. Or so they say at least.

I've never been one to believe those sayings. That is until now, waiting behind my desk.

In a room where I just not too long ago, sent one of my warriors whom I knew all my life. To die a slow painful death, not only have I made promises.

But he did too, if there's one thing that Kevin is known for. It's that he's a man of his word, but so am I. Which is why he must be killed, before he can cause any harm to me or my mate.

I was staring at my door, for what feels like eternity. Waiting for my beautiful mate to walk through the door, so I can discuss important stuff with her.

I know that her being a rogue, means that there's a high chance she might try and run away. Not to mention with the fact that she's so stubborn.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason she's taking so long. She's probably giving the guards a hard time and all.

Getting up to test if my theory is correct, I open my door. To hear her yelling, at my guards to let go of her. Kicking and screaming to get out of there hold.

"Let me go!" She yelled, like a maniac.

"Enough!" I yelled, making her stop. I pulled her away from the guards, and dragged her into my office. "Sit down!"

Thankfully for the first time I've meet her she did what she was told. Walking to go and sit down in a chair across from desk, and just stood staring at me like she was in a deep thought.

"What!" I said snappily

"Why is it I never noticed it before, you look so familiar to me!" She said confused

"I get that a lot, I guess I have one of those faces" I said brushing it off

"No! I feel like we've met before, I swear it's like this weird Deja Vu feeling"

"What are you talking about we never meet before? You know what enough of this! We have important things to discuss"


"Like the fact that we need to set some rules down, for example rule number one don't even think about trying to run away"

"Oh trust me, the first chance I get I'm taking it"

"Which brings me to rule number two, you must always have someone watching you"

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can, and when I feel you're ready you won't need one. Now can I go through the rest without being interrupted?"

"That would require me to not have a comment for everything, so let me think hmmmmmmm... nope" she said flashing me a brilliant smile.

"Moving on, rule number three you aren't allowed to talk to any guy unless he is mated. Actually... no, just don't talk to any guy"

"Wow! Can you be anymore possessive?"

"Yes, yes I can. Which brings me to rule number four, no revealing clothing. I'll accept if it's a hot day though"

"Oh how heroic of you, if you stop now I won't swoon on you"

"I try my best"

"Are those all the rules, or is this going to take all day?" She asked getting bored

"No we're done, I can't think of anymore rules"

"So I can go?"

"If by go, you mean my bedroom so you can shower and sleep. Then, yes you may go. But before you do, you should meet your new guard" I said smirking. "CASSANDRA, come in and meet your new bestie!"

"Wait what?" She said, turning around to face me so fast her neck could've been snapped.


Cassandra was my best friends mate, and if there's one thing about her. Is that she knows, EXACTLY how to get on your nerves. The thing is she usually doesn't mean to, but it's because of that she has no one.

Besides of course my best friend Matt, who's also my Beta. I honestly didn't know how he can deal with her. She was too all up in your face for me, which I hate. But he seemed to love it, said it makes him feel like he had her undivided attention.

It wasn't until this very moment, that I was thankful to have Cassandra as my best friend mate. Since I couldn't find nobody yet, I decided Cassandra is the next best option. Since she's always free and I wanted to annoy my mate.

That way she'll actually see that I'm not that bad. Compared to most people she would have to get stuck with.

I know it's mess up for me to do that, to use other people's flaws. To show that I'm not that bad, but honestly I need all the help I can get.


Hey guys!
True to my promise, here is Chapter 6. This is not edited, I'm probably gonna go back and edit it later (maybe even add a couple of things).

Also, I have a new book and it's called Tweeting Prince Charming, it's teen fiction (so nothing supernatural at all). I'm gonna try to my best abilities, to not make it Cliché because Cliché sucks sometimes.

I'll post the summary, so you can decide if you think it's worth reading. Hopefully, you think it is.

However that's a matter of opinion, and you're preference in books.

Thank you though to everyone who have actually been reading my story, even though I'm not the best editor of updater

Don't forget to





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