Chapter 4

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"What do you mean dumb friend? What do you have against one of my pack fighters?" He asked with all the anger in his voice gone and now replaced with confusion.

"I don't know maybe it has to do with the fact that he raped and drugged me!!!" I yelled letting it all out.

Chapter 4:

Alpha Jake P.O.V

When I heard those words come out of her mouth, that only fueled my anger to know that one of my pack warriors did that to her.

They dared to touch MY mate like that even if they didn't know, they still had no right to rape a rogue I won't allow it. No girl ever deserves to get rape, no matter the circumstances.

"Who did that to you?!" I asked, picturing the tourtments for them already.

"I already said your pack fighter smarty, you aren't very bright for an Alpha you know? I mean how can something like this go unnoticed" She said with sass.

"Don't get sassy with me! You're the one that isn't being specific, I already know it's a pack fighter. But I have over a hundred of them, so I'm not gonna be able to justify this without a Name. So start talking" I told her with sass right back.

"Well I'm sorry, I was to busy being heavily sustated by some drug. To get a name of my Rapist, next time I'll ask for it over a cup of tea with him" She said snappily.

"So he likes to drink tea and uses drugs, now you're giving me details" I said sarcasticly.

"I was being sarcastic" She told me, like I was an idiot.

"So was I buttercup, you aren't the only one that knows sarcasm" I told her like a little kid.

"Don't patronize me" She said scolding me.

"Do you know the name or not?" I asked, tried of all these games.

"I do, but why should I tell you it? So you can go and kill him" She asked.

"If you don't tell me, I'll find out myself through scent" I told her determine.

"How do you tell through scent?" She asked curious.

"You don't wanna know" I told her with a smirk.

I guess she caught on what I meant by that, because she just blushed at the thought of what I would do if she wouldn't tell me.

But hey! Desperate times, call for desperate measures.

"I think his name was Kevin, I know it starts with a K" She confessed, finally giving in.

"Does he have freckles?" I asked making sure.

"Yes he does" She answered, complete sure.

"I know who he is, he's my warrior. I grew up with him"

"So what are you gonna do?" She ask curiously.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" I told her walking away.

"I believe the expression is, 'for me to know and for you to never find out"

My goddess, I have a smart Alec for a mate.

"Oh no, you'll find out eventually what will be his punishment buttercup" I told her knowingly.


Omg I haven't wrote in forever I'm so sorry.

But I'm back and I'll try and update more often, this isn't edited I just felt the need to update at least something. It's not long either, but something is something

OH! And don't forget to



Fan ✨

-Natalie 🌹

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