Chapter 5

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When he got home he saw his parents, sister and uncles in the living room.

"I'm home." he said.

"Harry! How did it go?" Lily said.

He sat down next to Tracey on the couch exhausted.

"Good, made it to fourth year after that is wandless and advanced magic." he said.

Tracey saw him half asleep so she grabbed his hand and shut her eyes tightly.

Then he was awake enough until nine which is usually when they go to bed.

"Thanks Trace."

"You're welcome." she said.

So while Tweeky made dinner Harry told them what he did. They were proud of their son, brother, pup and cub.

As the month went on Harry worked hard everyday. It was a full moon and he had the week off. He and Tracey were having trouble not going insane from boredom. Even though Harry was being trained he was still going insane.

Lily, James, Sirius and Remus were in the staff room for the first update meeting.

"So, how is he doing?" Lily asked.

"He's doing excellent Lily, James, Sirius, Remus. Working hard all day long." Dumbledore said.

They smiled while the other professors smiled to. Snape wasn't though. But he was still impressed that Harry was doing so good at thirteen.

"He can take his and Tracey's birthday off though." he said.

"Alright, we'll tell him when we get home." James said.

"That should be good for now, I'll see you soon." Dumbledore said.

So they split up and Harry was playing chess with Tracey.

"We're home." Lily said.

Then they looked up.

"Hi mum, dad, uncle Moony and uncle Padfoot." Harry and Tracey said together.

"Lunch is ready Master James, Mistress Lily, Master Harry, Mistress Tracey." Tweeky said.

"Thanks Tweeky." James said.

She smiled and nodded.

Tweeky loves working with them. They treat her very well and Sirius treats Kreacher much better than he used to now to.

Then they sat down and had some lunch.

A few hours later they were in the basement. Sirius and Remus stayed and Ron and Hermione came an hour ago.

A few minutes later they were transforming.

While they were running around Moony jr. had more control of himself. Paddy, Speedy and Howler weren't hurt and neither was Padfoot or Prongs. Moony jr. and Moony started to fight each other somehow.

The Marauders and Missioners tried to keep them busy. Howler, Speedy and Paddy had a little trouble because Harry and Tracey had been in hiding for a year and Moony jr. still had a little trouble controlling himself.

When they were done both Harry and Remus were bleeding and exhausted.

"Let's get them to Lily. Tracey, Hermione, Ron are you alright?" Sirius said.

"I'm fine." Tracey said.

"Same here." Hermione said.

"Me too." Ron said.

They nodded and headed upstairs.

Like last time Lily cleaned Harry and Remus up then checked the other five but they were fine.

After Ron and Hermione left Tracey headed upstairs to her room. Harry was already asleep on the couch.

Before they knew it it was their fourteenth birthday.

Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, Arthur and Molly were there as usual.

"Happy birthday Harry, Tracey." Molly said.

"Thank-" Tracey started.

"you-" Harry continued.

"Mrs.-" Tracey said.

"Weasley." they said together.

"Alright everyone, let's have some cake." Lily said.

So they headed to the kitchen and sat down.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Harry and Tracey. Happy birthday to you!" everyone sang.

Then they blew out the candles together as usual.

"Alright, who wants cake?" Molly asked.

Everyone raised their hand so she handed them all a piece.

After they had cake they left Tweeky a piece as usual then headed to open presents.

A few hours later they split up.

"We'll see you on the next full moon." Hermione said.

"See you then." Harry said.

After they split up Harry and Tracey went to bed.

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