Words In The Dark

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"When did you know you liked me?"

Aang looked over at the girl beside him and smiled "I think I always did."

Katara smiled at her boyfriend "But when did you really know?"

Aang thought for a second until a memory came to mind "When I first met you."

Katara looked surprised "Really?"

Aang looked at her sheepishly "Yep, when I first woke up from the iceberg. It's like everything stopped and their was nothing else in the world except me and you."

Katara felt butterflies in her stomach and smiled "I didn't even notice."

Aang smiled at the memory "Penguin sledding was sort of my way of going on a date with you."

Katara chuckled "Well it made a great first impression."

Aang shrugged "What can I say, I've always been smooth."

Katara smirked teasingly "Oh really then what was all that about you rather kissing me then dying?"

Aang blushed in embarrassment and put his head in his hands "I told you that was a misunderstanding."

Aang smiled at Katara laugh "But what about the cave, I was pretty smooth wasn't I?" He finished by wiggling his eyebrows.

Katara laughed even harder "Well maybe the hair helped you with that."

Aang shook his head "Still don't understand how people live with that it's so itchy." He scratched his head remembering the feeling.

Katara chuckled " I liked the hair." She brought Aang's head down and kissed the tip of his arrow "But I prefer the bald look."

Aang smiled "Good because Sokka said how Water Tribe women loveeeeee hair."

She shook her head " Since when does Sokka know anything about girls."

Aang shrugged "I don't know but everywhere we went he had some girl who liked him."

Katara shook her head "Still don't know how Suki deals with him."

Aang nodded "Especially since he gave me some terrible advice about girls."

Katara shot a confused look "When did he give you advice?"

He chuckled "Back at Aunt Wu's village."

She blushed at the memory "Yea that was an interesting place." Katara pondered "She gave me a fortune I haven't forgotten."

Aaag smiled "I know"

She did a double take "What?"

Aang eyes went wide at realization of what he said "Um I-I might have spied on your fortune."

Katara looked at Aang, who rubbed his neck "Well what did you hear?"

He smiled sheepishly "Well I-I heard that you would marry a powerful bender."

Katara blushed heavily "Oh what did you think about that?"

He shot her a crooked smile "Lets just say I celebrated after."

She giggled "And how did you know it was directed towards you." She said teasingly.

"An Avatar has their ways besides who else , Zuko?"

Katara shot him an angry glare "Really Aang."

"What I'm just saying those actors on Ember Island did say y'all were into each other." He shrugged jokingly.

Aang thought for a second "I was jealous at one point." He admitted.


"Yeah I mean it was right after the invasion and you were avoiding the subject so I thought you didn't feel that way about me."

Katara eyes softened "I'm still sorry about that but there was nothing to be jealous about, I hated him until I forgave plus he's just another brother, like a less annoying version of Sokka."

Aang smiled "I know but after that Jet thing, I didn't think I was your type."

She looked down in shame "I didn't even know that affected you."

"Don't worry about it, that was in past."

She sighed "But still, it was a silly crush plus I didn't know what real feelings were, all I had were fairy tales from Gran Gran."

Aang smiled "Yeah I've never heard a story about a goofy airbender and Water Tribe princess falling in love."

"Well maybe now people will, I love you Aang"

Aang brought his lips to her whispering " I love you" before kissing her.

After they separated they were out breath and stared at each other before Katara broke the silence "You have beautiful eyes."

Aang smiled "I can say the same about you."

Eventually they went back to holding each other looking at the stars above.

" I wish Gyatso could meet you."

This caught Katara's attention "I know he would have loved you."

She smiled at him " Even though Nomads didn't believe in earthly attachments."

He smiled "Gyatso wasn't like everyone, he believed that are connections to earth made us stronger" he looked over to her, "I agree with him."

She snuggled into his arm "I'm glad you're different."

"I'm glad I am"

Something sweet and light to get me back into writing it feels good to write again and I'm working on multiple updates as well

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