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dear reader

this is my seventy-third week in college and i'm grateful.

tom came to visit me an hour before.

his train to Seattle.

and all we talked about.

was his plans for the future.

since he knew that i didn't have the nerve.

to talk about mine.

knowing that i didn't have any.

apart from resting in His glory.

tom: i'm gonna join an army this fall

me: oh, really? what made you change your mind?

tom: not what but who

me: who then?

tom: y'know that my dad has pressured me to join it for half a year now and i got tired of fighting with him and i also feel like it's a way of serving God

me: so your dad and God convinced you to do it?

tom: yes and i also feel like it's time

me: well, if you've made your decision and God is involved in it, i have no reason to argue against it

tom: but you still think i shouldn't go, huh?

me: it's a long commitment to our country and asks for a lot of courage

tom: i know that and i think i'm ready

me: then it's fine by me

tom: thanks man

me: you're going to do great 

tom: i hope so

me: i know so

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