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dear reader

this is my eleventh week in college and i'm feeling fine.

turns out that i couldn't keep my 19th birthday as a secret for a very long time.

especially for my rose. 

because the next day she surprised me with a good gift. 

which was a really cool wrist watch.

and also some concert tickets.

being honest here, it's truly made me smile. 

rose: happy belated birthday my sweet boy

me: thanks, but... who told you!?

rose: no one told me, i just know everything!

me: you're still not really good at lying, you know that?

rose: okay your dad texted the other night and i didn't call you 'cause i figured you wanted to keep it quiet since you didn't tell me this yourself

me: okay but you do know we live in the 21st century right? i might have facebook or something

rose: no you don't, i already checked that one

me: oh, okay, so you have done your homework

rose: better than that, i'm going to get an A in Math, what's your excuse?

me: i was busy wanting to die

rose: nice one! 

me: yes it is

Fallen BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora