Eaten By The Giantess

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Cream and Cheese could only watch in terror as they were lifted up to Amy's mouth, which was turning the ice cream she had inside into mush. Amy swallowed that portion of ice cream with a wet gulp, before opening her mouth to accept her next portion. Amy presented her inviting mouth once more to Cream and Cheese, who were frozen with fear at the sight of her maw. The large, soft tongue, perfect white teeth, and gaping throat were covered in liquified ice cream. "Please don't eat us, Ms. Amy" begged Cream, though her pleas went unanswered. Amy moved the spoon into her mouth and sealed it shut, leaving Cream in complete darkness. Amy slid the spoon from beneath them, leaving the ice cream and tiny pair on her mattress of a tongue.

Cream could not believe what was happening, Amy had just put her and Cheese in her mouth, and she had no clue about their situation. Cream hugged Cheese in fear, looking around Amy's mouth. Suddenly, the soft tongue beneath them began to move the ice cream towards her mighty teeth. Cream managed to move out of the way by a hair before she began to chew the ice cream. The frozen dessert was absolutely obliterated in seconds by Amy's molars and soon spread all around her mouth. Amy's breathing and moaning could be heard all around Cream, making her whimper. She and Cheese bounced up and down as the tongue below them aided in Amy's chewing. The terror was tearing Cream apart, knowing that, at any moment, Amy could swallow them and never know of what she did. Cream was beginning to cry.

Suddenly, everything stopped in Amy's mouth. Then, the tongue began to rise and push the ice cream bolus towards her throat. She also took Cream and Cheese with it, causing them to go into full panic mode. "NO AMY!!!" Cream yelled at the top of her small lungs "DON'T EAT US!" Amy's tongue overpowered Cream and Cheese, and pushed them towards her throat. She shoved the ice cream into her throat and swallowed with a loud, wet gulp. Cream and Cheese would be next if they didn't do something. Cream looked back at the large throat and saw the cartoonish uvula hanging from above. Cream grabbed Cheese and jumped for the uvula. Cream successfully grabbed hold of the uvula and held on. Unfortunately, this caused Amy's gag reflex to kick in and she began to cough profusely. Cream felt bad for hurting Amy like this, but was unsure of what to do. She could let go, but that would mean Amy would swallow her. Amy would soon decide for her, as a torrent of water soon rushed into her mouth. The river of tap water hit Cream like a train, causing her to lose her grip and slide down with the water into Amy's throat. A loud, wet gulp echoed around Cream and Cheese, and it was very clear to them what had just happened: they had been swallowed by Amy.

Cream and Cheese were sucked down Amy's esophagus towards her stomach. The trip was a very restricting one, as the esophagus was like a constrictor snake. Cream held on to Cheese as best she could, never loosening her grip on the little Chao. "How did it come to this" Cream asked herself in disbelief "We've been swallowed by Amy, and she doesn't even know". Cream and Cheese were suddenly pushed out into the vast stomach and landed on a pile of partially digested ice cream. Cream looked around in horror. It was scary enough being inside Amy's mouth, but being inside her stomach was even scarier. Remnants of her previous meals lay scattered across the acid lake, slowly dissolving and being absorbed into her body. Groans, sloshing, and heavy breathing echoed all around Amy's stomach as the walls contorted and threw its contents this way and that. Cream curled into a ball with Cheese in her arms and began to cry. Cream, knowing Amy couldn't hear her, said in a quiet voice "Amy, no matter happens, I'm not mad at you. I don't blame you for any of this, and none of this is your fault".

Amy Rose Vore: Accidental PreyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora