Chapter 5

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Chapter Warnings: Angst, fluff, mild adult topics, and sweetness (Samael says "bring a toothbrush to fight the cavities!").



Chapter 5: Wardrobe Wonders


Draco was awakened the next morning by the smell of pancakes. He yawned, stretching out his feet along the bed, and wondered why he had the nagging feeling that something was missing.

He kicked his legs around a bit, but didn't come in contact with anything. Draco frowned; for some reason, he was sure there was supposed to be something big and warm at the end of his bed. Puzzled, he cracked opened his eyes.

His eyes immediately widened as he realized that he wasn't on his bed at all; he was on the couch in the living room, and the thing that was supposed to be at the end of his bed was -

"Morning, Draco."

Draco looked up to see Harry walking towards him. A moment later, he took a seat on the coffee table next to Draco's head.

"How are you feeling?" he asked with genuine concern.

Draco flushed slightly. In the light of day, his nightmare and subsequently clingy reaction to Harry were humiliating. "Fine," he muttered, looking away.

Harry scrutinized him for a moment more, and then, to Draco's great relief, sensitively changed the subject. "I made pancakes."

"I can smell them," Draco admitted, sitting up a bit. "They smell good."

"In the kitchen," Harry said, jerking his head in that direction. "Come on."

Draco watched him as he stood. Harry was still in his pyjamas, a pair of baggy flannel trousers and a red t-shirt. The t-shirt was old and small, clinging tightly to his biceps and showing a faint outline of the muscular chest beneath.

Once on his feet, Harry yawned, raising his arms above his head in a cat-like stretch. The motion sent his t-shirt riding up, revealing a sizable expanse of his stomach.

Draco's world suddenly shrank to those inches of smooth skin. Harry's trousers were riding low, and the stomach now uncovered was perfectly flat, save for the lightly defined muscles. His skin looked soft and golden, especially one spot, just by his hipbone, where the skin seemed extra smooth and almost licka -

"Well, aren't you coming?"

Draco blinked as Harry's voice penetrated his mind. He looked up to see the other man watching him with a puzzled expression. He felt a little sheepish. He hadn't realized that he'd been staring so intently at Harry's stomach.

He held out one hand. "Help me up?" he asked shyly.

Harry smiled and took it. With a gentle tug, he pulled Draco to his feet.

"There you are," he said affectionately. "Now come have breakfast."

He headed for the kitchen. Draco followed, the hand that had just held Harry's faintly tingling.


They ate together at the little table in the breakfast nook, so Draco could watch the Muggles hurry about on the street below. Harry had also made eggs and bacon, as well as a cherry filling to go with the pancakes. Draco was already on his second plate.

"Tea?" Harry asked, reaching for the pot when Draco nodded. The muscles in his biceps flexed as he lifted the full teapot, stretching the limits of the tight fabric of his shirt sleeve. Draco paused to stare, fork halfway up to his mouth, unable to look away as Harry poured the tea and added milk and lots of sugar to Draco's cup.

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