Chapter 8

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Chapter Warnings: More UST, un-betaed



Chapter 8: Cock-tease


Troll…big troll…right on my chest…

Draco valiantly wriggled beneath the enormous weight on top of him, even as he noted that this was the best-smelling troll he'd ever had the pleasure of being trapped beneath. A rainbow-striped owl suddenly flew into his vision.

"Care for a cuppa?" it offered solicitously.

"Yes, please," Draco informed the bird. "Only first, I simply must get this troll off my -"

Draco's eyes suddenly popped open. He blinked at the ceiling in confusion for a moment, as he came more fully awake. Finally, he glanced down at his chest, only to see that the troll flattening him in his dreams was not actually a troll at all.

It was Harry.

"Potter, you wretched oaf," he said, in what could only be termed an affectionate voice. Harry had sprawled on top of him in a diagonal slant, their chests touching, Harry's arm flung somewhere off to Draco's right, and Harry's nose buried in his neck. "I rather think this goes beyond cuddly sleeper."

Despite his words and Harry's solid weight, Draco could not have been more pleased than to wake up covered in Boy Who Lived. Idly, he brought the arm not pinned by Harry's body up to Harry's head, and stroked his messy hair. He amused himself for several moments trying to flatten Harry's hair, which was apparently as stubborn as Potter, because it defiantly resisted Draco's attempts to smooth it as it sprung back into place.

"Aren't you cute," he mused quietly, surprised by his own emotions. It wasn't that he wasn't turned on to feel Harry's strong frame on top of his slighter one (because oh, he was). But more than that, he felt oddly touched and tender, that Harry loved and trusted him enough to sprawl across him in such a familiar manner in his sleep.

He suspected not a lot of people saw this Boy Who Lived. He suspected Harry never let anyone else see this vulnerable side. He suspected his future self had loved this Harry, this cute, sleepy Harry, who made Draco feel oddly protective, something he'd rarely, if ever, felt before.

Draco was content to lay there, idly playing with Harry's hair, until Harry started to stir on top of him. He snuggled into Draco neck for a moment, and every nerve in the area suddenly zinged to life as a bit of stubble brushed Draco's neck.

"Morning, love," Draco whispered, unfairly pitching his voice lower to imitate his older self.

"Mornin'," Harry mumbled back. He gave Draco's neck a wet, sleepy good morning kiss, which promptly caused Draco's cock to stand at full salute.

"Sleep well?" Draco asked lightly, still keeping his voice lower than normal, and refusing to remove his fingers from Harry's hair.

There was that stubble against his neck again, as Harry got just a touch closer. "Mmm, not as well as I woke up." His voice was still rough with sleep, but with something mischievous and playful lurking beneath.

Draco's heart sped up. "Oh really?" he said, Slytherin brain examining the situation from every angle, trying to determine the best way to score a shag.

Before he could concoct a plan, however, Harry kissed his neck again, sending all cunning thoughts flying from his head. He swallowed hard, as feather-light kisses were bestowed on his skin, each one traveling just the slightest bit closer to his jaw and mouth then the one before.

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