How you met.

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You met in town, you just moved in not so far from his and Alibert's place. You became friends almost instantly, you even have your place in the Brotherhood of the Tofu!

You met in a feirce battle, Percedal was cornered by two enormous beasts, then you butt in to save him. He claims that he would've handled it himself, but you didn't take that answer. You decided to travel along with him just so he doesn't get himself killed.

You were a friend of Amalia's, she introduced you to Evanguline. It took a while for her to warm up to you, but when she did, you two became inseperable.

While she attempted to escape the first time, she bumped into you while riding her dragoturkey. After talking for a while, you promised to meet again, and you escourted her back to the kingdom.

You met during a training session with Yugo, you came to talk to him about something or another, and found Adamai with him. Yugo introduced you to his brother, and like Yugo, you two became friends almost as soon as you met.

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