If you get hurt by a villian

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Requested by Mangleallen138

You attempted to tackle Nox, which ultimately lead to you falling over, holding your stomach in pain. Yugo, having witnessed this, will be a bit angry. He will do anything to protect you, and if it means defeating Nox, then so be it.

You had gotten squashed (Just to clarify, not pulverized) whilst facing Rushu. Dally would be mad. And, depending on whether or not Rubilax is in his Sword or in Dally's arm, he would either release the demon and fight his hardest, or he would shift Rubi into whatever the heck he can, as long as it's strong, muscular, and can pack a punch.

Vampyro threw you off the balcony of his castle, making the cra to snap out of her delusion and save your tushie. Thanks to Eva's quick thinking, you lived. Now expect to see 20 or so arrows up the Shadow the Hedgehog wannabe's arse.

You were battling Qibli for you life, and he tossed you into the ocean, trying to crush you with boulders. Amalia used her brambles to BITCH-SLAP THE HELL OUT OF QIBLI- because of this, Qibli decided it was best to focus on his main mission-- to get his dofus.

Oropo slammed you against the ground, causing a massive crater to form where you were thrown. You eventually fell unconscious, which made Adamai boutta' kick some arse. He blew his hottest fireblast at Oropo, then back and forth with fighting. Luckily, Oropo didn't leave the battle unscathed. He had 4 broken ribs, two massive scars on his stomach, and tons of bruises.

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