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3rd person's POV

"Yujinnie?" Hyunjin look around and realize that Dami and Yujin are no where to be found. Instead, she saw Yena behind her with her gun pointing at Hyunjin.

"Yena-unnie?" Hyunjin calls softly and Yena looks at her with teary eyes.

"Hyunjin-ah, I'm sorry" Yena apologized

"Oh got Yuri... I can't lose her, she's pregnant with our child, Hyunjin. I can't lose them both, I'm sorry" Yena said and got Hyunjin's weapons.

"Walk" she ordered and Hyunjin obliged.

"Where's Minho?" Hyunjin asked while a gun is pointed at the back of her head.

"I don't know" Yena answered, she knocked out some of her friends and co-workers but she didn't see Minho.

"Yena-unnie... Do you trust me?" Hyunjin asked and turn around to face Yena.

"Do you trust me?" Hyunjin repeated

".....yes" Yena answered, her voice is barely audible.

"Show your loyalty, Agent Choi. Remember, you took an oath" Hyunjin said and Yena stares at her.

"B-but J-joyul" Yena stuttered

"You trust me, right? I'll make sure she'll get out of this ship even if my life is on the line" Hyunjin said and Yena stare at her again. She know Hyunjin too well, what she said is what she'll do.

Yena stand up straight and put down her gun. She ball her right hand in a fist and put it against her chest and smile at Hyunjin.

"Please save Yuri, Young Lady" she said and Hyunjin smile at her.

"I will but now, take me to him so he won't get suspicious" Hyunjin said and turn her back on Yena. The duck points the gun to her boss again and they walk towards the upper deck.

There she saw her agents, kneeling on the floor while Oh's gang are pointing their guns to their heads.

"Remind me why I decided to got these stupid motherfuckers as my agents" Hyunjin muttered and her team just look at her with an apologetic looks.

"Can I get a glass of wate-" Bora was cutted off by a scoff of one of those guys.

"How about a glass of wine-" she heard a sound of a gun reloading and quickly shut up while the other members of DC team are trying not to laugh.

'Look at these stupid people, they can still laugh at a situation like this' Hyunjin thought and shook her head in disbelief.

"Thank you, Minho" Hyunjin snap her head towards the direction of the voice and saw her husband walking along with Oh.

"Oh there's my wife" he said with a smile but it's different from the smiles he used to give Hyunjin. He went to Hyunjin and hugged her. It took minutes for Hyunjin to finally realize what's happening.

"What the fuck are you doing, Minho?" Hyunjin asked and glare at the person who she looked up to as her brother.

"This wonderful guy right here, offered me a good deal and I think it's just right for me to get both Lee and Kim Corporation, right?" he said with a smirk and sat on a chair.

"All this time, Minho?" Hyunjin asked, feeling so betrayed

"I think I've suffered enough to be deserving to get both Corporation, Hyunjin" he said and Hyunjin balled her fists.

"And you think you're the only one who suffered????" Hyunjin gritted her teeth as she glares at Minho.

"Bullshit, Min. Bullshit."

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